2- NO Monkeying Around

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Chapter 2- NO Monkeying Around

I start up a steady jog through a trail in a light forest.

"Where's that trail!" I hear someone call out. I slow down, and reply, "Over here!"

"Thank goodness," said a boy who stumbled into the path a few seconds later. "I'm directionally challenged."

"Great," I reply. I move to walk off, when he notices the pokeball strapped to my backpack.

"A trainer, so close to my home town!? I challenge you!"

Without waiting for my reply, he throws a pokeball, and a small red pokemon appears, bearing strong resemblance to a monkey.

I pull my pokèdex out of my backpack as I unclip my pokeball. I throw the pokeball first, revealing Bells.

I open my pokedex, and I hear it's mechanic voice inform me.

"Chimchar. A small, fire type pokemon. The flame on it's tail is a major source of it's power. The monkey pokemon likes to fool around"

When it ended, the boy's eyes opened wide. He hurriedly pulled something out of his own pack, identical to the machine I was currently holding.

"So that's what they're for!" he said in amazement. "When Prof. Jacob gave it to me with a pokemon this morning, he rushed me out so fast I didn't get a chance to ask!"

"You got your pokemon this morning as well!?" I ask in amazement.

"Y-you too? Yah. I got lucky with chimchar, I heard he's the only pokemon that's an actual certified starter pokemon, I'd been dreaming about getting one for years."

"Haha, yah I was the first one to arrive."

"I was second. What's your name, by the way? I'm Dante."

(Btw: I know a Dante. Thx, Dante. Have a great time at WGSS)

"I'm Celia," I say.

"Great! Anyway, I challenge you!"

"Alright! Use..." I check my pokedex. Must be malfunctioning, all it shows it take down for possible moves. Hey, why not.

"Take down!"

Bells charges at chimchar, and tackles it powerfully. Chimchar gets to it's feet woozily, and I can tell it has nearly fainted.

Dante's eyes open wide, and he glances at his pokedex. "B-But it's at level five just like Chicha! Use... Tackle!"

Chicha, his charmander, tackled Bells, as well, but the move was no where near as powerful as take down, and according to my pokedex, it was 'Not Very Effective'.

After I used take down once more, his Chicha fainted, and Bells leveled up.

"W-Wow." said Dante. "That was awesome. See you."

But, seeing as we were going the same way, we just walked together.

When we finally made it to the first town, I pulled out a map to find there was a pokecenter and pokemart, but not much else, in the city.

Dante turned to me. "Since we both have pretty much the same objectives, want to travel together?"

"Sure," I replied without a second thought. Wait a second, what are my objectives?

We walked into a pokecenter. On one wall, a poster read:

The ultimate challenge! Beating all eight gyms of Photon and challenging the Elite Four and the pokemon champion!

I point it out to Dante, and we both get wide-eyed at the picture of five very powerful pokemon trainers, each with a pokemon behind them, and five more on their belts.

"I-I want to be as powerful as them..." I stammered.

"To beat the elite four and the champion..." Dante mumbled. "I want to be in the elite four!"

"Me too," I say. Secretly, I actually wish to be the champion, but I know how far-fetched that is. At least, right now it is. I mean, I haven't even beaten the first gym yet.

Anyway, we got nurse joy to heal our pokemon, then after stocking up on some potions, left for the next city. (Dante bought me potions because in my haste to leave home I forgot to grab money. He said he owed me because I won the battle, but that's even more...)

We walked out of the vibrant red pokecenter, and turned down a road after consulting the map. We were finally on our way, with a dream in sight. Maybe one day...


End chapter two.

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