thirteen- A Reason

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Author's Note:

LOOK LOOK LOOK I UPLOADED please don't hate me.

Seriously, don't kill me. I'm doing the best I can. :(

Life hasn't been so great and I know I've got some impatient fans out there (Candace :p) and some very patient ones, and if you're still with me and actually love this story..

thank you so very much. <3


Rosalina twisted her hair around her hands, guiding the thick curls into an extremely messy side-ponytail. She hadn’t showered in two days. In fact, she hadn’t left the hospital. Ann and her made a pact that they weren’t leaving and Carlie bought Ro a toothbrush in the gift shop, the only thing she’d really needed badly.

She was taking a break from the waiting room with Ann, wandering the halls. Well, she wasn’t really wandering: she knew where she was going and wanted to end up. In the cancer treatment wing of the hospital Ro walked slowly towards Jesse’s room. She hadn’t seen him since Mico had brought her to visit. It hadn’t been that long in reality, but it felt like it.

She knocked on his door softly and entered, hoping she wasn’t interrupting. He laid in the bed, eyes closed. He looked much worse than he had the last time she’d seen him. He was as white as the sheets he was laying in, though his skin had a purple undertone. He barely had any skin left covering the bones of his face and arms and his lips were chapped and losing color. He eyes had dark rings around them.

His eyes fluttered open as she approached his bed and as he recognized her, his lips twitched into a weak smile.

“You look like shit,” he told her. She laughed because she knew he was right.

“So do you,” she retorted, grabbing his frail and veiny hand. He nodded in agreement and breathed out shakily as she traced the veins popping out of his skin.

“I stayed overnight and tonight I thought I’d come visit you. Mico drank himself into an alcohol induced coma, and I think it was my fault.” She added, her eyes pricking with tears. Jesse looked up at her, his expression sad.

“He’s alright though?” He asked. She nodded slowly, biting her lip. “That’s all that matters.” He whispered. Though Ro agreed to some extent, she also couldn’t get past the fault that she was probably the reason he drank so much.

“Jesse, how much longer…do you…have?” She asked quietly, afraid of his answer. He stared at her hands holding his. He couldn’t give her a definite answer, but he had never felt as bad before as he had the past week.

“Not long,” he admitted, afraid that she would cry harder. At the same time he reasoned with himself, why would she cry? It’s not like they were best friends. He wasn’t anyone special to her.

Ro closed her eyes as another tear fell. She had spent a while getting to know Jesse, but she still liked him. It wasn’t a great attraction, but she thought it was an awesome friendship. Rosalina didn’t want to lose another person in her life.

“It’s hard for me to talk to anyone anymore,” she told him, “I don’t even talk to my friends anymore. Ann and Mico are the only ones who know anything. Except for the fact that doesn’t help when they don’t really understand it. I’ve done so many bad things lately I can’t imagine life getting better. What am I going to do when you’re gone and I have no one else?”

He squeezed her hand the best he could and stated, “I’ll be here as long as I can. Ro, life gets better at the end. When it all comes down to it, you find out who really matters. To me, my brother, my dad, you care about me. To you, Mico, Ann, and I care about you. I’m sure there’s more that you just can’t relate to. When you go through what we go through you can’t expect to come out of it the same.

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