28. Surprise

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Honey's POV

The day went by fast and I called Jay.

Jay: hey babe...

His husky voice gave me the chills.

Me: hey... Carson has a surprise for me. Okay? I'll be right back!

Jay: Philips?

Me: c'mon! He opened a birthday party for me!

Jay: fine... but have a good time, babe.

Me: love ya...

Jay: you too.

I hung up.

Carson: ya ready?

Me: Leggo.

He sounded really nervous right now. But I brushed it off. I got on his car and he drove for a couple minutes and we both got off. At a place that looked a lot like a farm.

Me: what's this place?

Carson: you'll see...

He didn't sound excited. And something felt suspicious.

He opened the door and as soon as I entered, I was tackled by a bunch of guys.


But he was no where in sight. I was tied up in a rope and sitting down. My phone rang... well, vibrated. I sat on it, and thankfully, it stopped vibrating.

A dude I barely recognize stood in front of me. But I still recognized him.

Me: oh. My. God. Mr. Brett?

Mr. Brett: you still remember me?

I grit my teeth. Mr. Brett... Sean's dad.

Me: you left your kids and left them do die, literally. And now, this? What do you want from me?

His emotion didn't change.

Mr. Brett: let me explain. I'm the leader of the snakes.

Me: then who's Cody?

Mr. Brett: Cody right here,

He swung his arms around Carson, who looked very guilty.

Me. Brett: is just back up.

Me: Carson?

Carson cleared his throat. He got a hair brush and brushed his hair in some sort of way and took out his contacts.

Me: Cody...?

I was crying by now.

Mr. Brett: I'm a married man. But Cody isn't. I'm not gonna rape you. But he can.

And just like that, he left. I stared, more glared, at Cody.

Cody: let me ex-

Me: HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME? I TRUSTED YOU! I ACTUALLY LIKED YOU! YOU WERE MY FRIEND! or I thought you were... but Carson... you're Cody.

Jason's POV

I need to tell Honey something. I called Honey, and she picked up.

Me: hello?

No response.

Honey: oh. My. God. Mr. Brett?

Mr. Brett: you still remember me?

Honey: you left your kids and left them do die, literally. And now, this? What do you want from me?

Mr. Brett: let me explain. I'm the leader of the snakes.

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