16. Oh God

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Honey's POV

I smiled at him and walked into the hospital, hand in hand. We went to the nurse, and started talking.

Me: so you know where pat-

Jason spoke in French. Oh God. That's such a fucking turn on.

All I could understand was PATTIE MCCANN. We went to the room the nurse told us. Or the nurse told Jay. We opened the door and a really beautiful woman sat in the hospital bed with a hospital gown. Jay just stared at her.

Jay: mom?

She, who I'm guessing was PATTIE, turned to look at us. Her jaw dropped, and her eyes twinkled.

Pattie: Jason! Baby! I missed you! I thought you'd never come...

Jay: well... thank my girlfriend here. She wanted to see her boyfriend's mom.

Pattie smiled probably the sweetest smile on earth. I smiled back.

Me: hi. I'm Honey.

Pattie: hey honey!

I gave her a hug. She took out her IV plug and plugged it back in somewhere else.

Jay: mom. You shouldn't get air In your blood vessels.

Pattie: but it feels like rice crispies...

She pouted. The two people in front of me looked exactly like each others. I laughed.

Me: you're awesome!

Jason rolled his eyes. Pattie stared at me. I looked at her, cuz it was getting kinda awkward.

Pattie: where did you get that necklace?

Me: I... I got it at the mall.

Pattie: how much was it?

Me: I kinda found it.

Jay and Pattie's head turned towards me.

Jay: kinda?

Me: I bumped into someone, and they dropped this.

I pointed at the gorgeous necklace.

Me: they ran away though... so I'm keeping it right now.

There was a silence. A silence with a secret hanging that I didn't know.

Me: why?

Jay: it's nothing.

Pattie cleared her throat.

Jay: fine.

My jaw dropped.

Me: how did you do that? You made him obey with just... oh my goodness... you have super powers, Ms. McCann.

Pattie laughed.

Pattie: well... I am awesome after all. And call me Pattie, sweetie.

Jay: so... the necklace... it has 10 red jewels, 9 purple jewels, and 5 blue ones, right?

I took it off and looked at it.

Me: yes, it does.

Pattie: they're really jewels by the way. Rubies, sapphires, and the unknown.

Jay: my... dad made it for us when I was 9.

Pattie: the AJJM? It stands for Alex, Jason, and Jazzy McCann.

I slowly nodded. So I picked up a rare necklace for the mall that a stranger dropped. And it happens to be related with my boyfriend.

Jay: Alex, the ruby, was 10 years old. Me, the unknown, was 9. Jazzy, the sapphire, was 5. We got the jewels of our favorite color.

I Wish Everything Would Be Alright (Justin Bieber, Jason McCann, One Direction)Where stories live. Discover now