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Jason's POV

I just wanted to hug her right now and say that I was sorry. Tell her that I loved her. But I couldn't. I froze.

Honey: I don't even know if I know you anymore, Jason. I know Jay,

I looked at my feet. Jay... Jay... Jay...

Honey: not McCann.

And just like that, she turned around and started walking out the door. My body itched to stop her, but I couldn't. Oh God... tomorrow's couple hour drive was gonna be REALLY awkward. I scoffed to myself. I felt someone come in the room. My head shot up, expecting my baby girl, but it was someone else. Liam. I grunted and turned away as if he weren't there, and I went back to the punching bag.

Liam: what the actual fuck, McCann?

Me: my name is Jason, thank you very much.

I could tell that he could care less. I threw a punch on the sand bag. Liam scoffed. I was thrown back by Liam throwing a punch at me. I rubbed my jaw, getting up.

Me: what the fuck yourself!

Liam: look, if you think that Honey is a toy to you, stop. Dump her or something.

Me: you think I think that she's a toy? Hell...

Liam punched me in the nose. Luckily, I didn't hear a crack.

Me: I may be an asshole, but I don't play with girl's hearts. That's just cruel. She gave her heart to me! And I...

I... I gave mine to her, too.

Liam: lemme guess. Played with it and broke it.

He said it as if that were the most obvious thing in the world. I frowned. Honestly, that was almost true. But I still pointed to myself.

Me: I don't do that to girls. Especially my girl.

Liam crossed his arms.

Liam: have you hugged her ever since she was rescued?

Have I?

Liam: Be honest.

I sighed.

Me: no.

Liam: have you told her that everything's gonna be alright and that nothing will go bad?

Me: no.

Liam: bloody hell... have you tried to comfort her at all?

Have I? I slumped my shoulders.

Me: no.

Liam: exactly. Every time she decides to give her heart to someone, it's always an asshole. They have no idea how to handle her heart. They don't know how much it hurts. That's why zayn keeps trying to stop her from dating the wrong guys.

I fiddled with my fingers. Liam threw a towel at me.

Liam: nose bleed.

He spat out, coldly, and turned to leave. I sighed and lay down, flat on the ground. I started talking to myself...

Me: I have to go tell her that I'm sorry. I have to comfort her. I have to tell her that I love her, too. I have to do so many things. Ugh.

I hit my forehead and got up. And put on the bandages on my knuckles. I put on my shirt and walked out of the room, frowning. I really did hurt Hunny. I DID break her heart. I still am doing it by not talking to her or anything. I groaned. Let's do things one my one. First, I'll apologize. Second, I'm hug her and kiss her. Last, I'm tell her I love her. Yes, that's what I'll do. I got out my phone rang called my baby girl. It went straight to voice mail.

I Wish Everything Would Be Alright (Justin Bieber, Jason McCann, One Direction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora