4. Oh Yeah... I'm Not Honey

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I got my keys and opened the door. I went inside and went to my room. I immediately changed into something comfortable. I lay down in bed too lazy to take a shower. I hugged a teddy, Zayn's teddy, and thought about all that had happened today. New school, Jason, 15 guys, Jason, the confesion, Jason, and the guy. I sighed. I have been acting like slut today. Dressed like one, check. Thrown myself at Jason whenever I had the chance, check.

I sighed and texted Sarah.

Me: hey. Do you mind skyping?

She didn't respond, so I looked at the clock. 2:37. Shit. It's late! I closed my eyes and my phone buzzed.

Sarah: turn your's on.

I turned my Skype on and immediately got a call from Sarah.

Sarah: Hey Honey, what up? You- WHAT THE HELL?!

I jumped.

Me: what's wrong?

Sarah: is that dry blood on your neck?

Me: nah... I ju-

Sarah: what happened? Tell me everything! I love action movies!

I rolled my eyes but laughed.

Me: forget about the wound. I'll just tell you how it happened. A guy sliced it open with a pocket knife.

Sarah: shit just got real!

I rolled my eyes.

Me: do you... Ever fear that somone you like might turn out to me someone that you hate?

Sarah: you're making sense. Example or explain the situation.

Me: fine... So I met Jason-

Sarah: MCCANN?

Me: uhh... Yea? Why?

Sarah: dude! He's fucking HOT! Who am I kidding? He's a sexy beast!

I laughed. I had to agree with that.

Me: anyways, I'm kinda scared that... You know... He'll turn out like... Sean...?

Sarah: not all guys are like that Honey. Not all boyfriends rape you and beat you.

Me: Jason hates music.

Sarah: how dare he! I am officially offended!

I smiled. I love Sarah.

Sarah: just remember, trust your instincts. And trust him.

Me: thanks babe.

Sarah: gotta go?

Me: bye...

Sarah gave a nod and hung up. I plugged my phone on my charger and closed my eyes. I was so tired...

I must've fell asleep cuz I woke up feeling a sting on my neck. I groaned.

Zayn: sorry... Did I wake you?

I just groaned.

Zayn: your wound is pretty bad. What happened?

I groaned again.

Zayn: fine. But I cleaned it up.

I tried to say thank you, but just a groan came out.

Zayn: you're welcome.

I smiled. He understood me!

Zayn: so... Uhh... Good night?

I forced myself to wake up and talk.

I Wish Everything Would Be Alright (Justin Bieber, Jason McCann, One Direction)Where stories live. Discover now