Day 592 - July 26

38 3 70

"If I waited for perfection, I would never write a word."
-Margaret Atwood

If you wait for the inspiration to strike, if you wait for the will and time to write, if you wait for the perfect plot, setting, name, title, words, you will never write a single word. Writing is never perfect the first time. It is loads of writing, editing, and rewriting until it is polished to the best of our ability. But that hard work does not mean we should give up, and it does not mean we shouldn't try. If we never tried, our book would never come out of us. Only we can write our character's stories. Without us, they have no voice in the world. Writing isn't meant to be perfect the first time, so don't stress the frustration and aggravation it can give. Live for the small bursts of excitement and enjoyment that make it all worth it. Live for the dream of one day finishing that novel, that trilogy, that series. And remember...

"I'm writing a first draft and reminding myself that I'm simply shoveling sand into a box so that later I can build castles."
-Shannon Hale ❤️

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