Day 480 - April 5

42 5 100


I'm going to try for a quick summary for the day since I'm actually awake yet and not half asleep or sick anymore and it was an easy day to report looking back. -Dark


Today's Tidbit:

"The human heart has hidden treasures,
In secret kept, in silence sealed;
The thoughts, the hopes, the dreams, the pleasures,
Whose charms were broken if revealed."
-Charlotte Bronte, "Evening Solace"


Previously on CM UC:

Trouble brews quickly today as Farashined stumbles upon Isi alone in the woods, trying to tend to a cut on her foot from her own slip with a knife. Hearing frustrated noises not far away, Isi and Fara are quick to follow to see if it is Valin making the ruckus against a tree. Upon reaching it though, finding a tree nearly split in two, Fara suggests he can fix it. Instead, he tricks Isi and she soon finds herself warped away into Fara's manor in a windowless, doorless small white room.

Turns out, Bishop had been the one making the noises and after hearing Isi's scream, he runs into Fara trying to talk his way out of knowing what happened to Isi. He is quick to give it up when Bishop believes it to of been his doing, but he refuses to take Bishop to her, no matter how much Bishop hurts him in a misty form inside Fara's body. Though he refuses to leave Fara and will wait as long as he must to get him to take him to Isi.

Back in Fara's mansion, Isi is met by a voice, 2594, who at first insists he cannot help Isi and there is no way out until Fara comes. This sends Isi into panic until Lily intervenes. Finally, after watching Isi slam herself into a wall countless times to try to crack it through a video feed, 2594 warps Isi out of the prison room, leaving her to wander down the hall to find her way out.

Quickly, she encounters more Hybrids and alarms are quickly sounded to see an escaping prisoner. 2594 pleads for Isi to leave him out of this, having already risked enough of his skin -- literally -- to get her out the first time and begs her to just leave quick. But upon a slip of his own in mentioning Aiyae is locked away in a cell as well, Isi goes back to try to find him behind one of the walls. She finds him, but he is too unresponsive and out of it for some reason to even recognize her mind voice. Before Isi can go anywhere else, security droids come and knock her out with electrical shocks, and she is once more warped back into her cell.

What does Farashined want with Isi? What happened to Aiyae that he is locked up? Will Bishop get Fara to take him to where Isi is? Will they get Isi out? And what might become of 2594 now for helping Isi in the first place?

Find out next time in CM UC!

This Was Never A Roleplay V4Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora