Day 452 - March 8

52 6 219


Nothing new to report as the characters still get to know each other. Sorry the last three days have been crap on the post, but I'm realizing it's also really hard for me to do any sort of summary when I'm gone and don't know what went on, and I don't really have the time to be reading through hundreds of comments. Not anymore. The summaries -- as generic as I am trying to make them -- may not be on here often. And when they are, it could include more than just the day before from the bits I have caught. Sorry. I'll try to do as much as I can, when I can. -Dark


Today's Tidbit:

Going with a song for the day.

"I'm a believer,
Nothing could be worse,
All these imaginary friends.
Hiding betrayal,
Driving the nail,
Hoping to find a savior.
No, don't
Leave me to die here,
Help me survive here.
Alone, don't
Surrender, surrender."
-Breaking Benjamin, Evil Angel


Previously on CM UC:

A new face has come to join this group of strangers the other day, Zelia, Bishop's ward. It seems Aiyae brought a little furry friend as well at one point, Faylor. Those that are finding their means home seem to be drawn back to the place, while others -- like Isildilia, Bishop, and Zelia -- seem to find themselves still stuck on a way home.

But that doesn't mean their problems don't find them.

The infected seem to have been able to track Isildilia down in the forest, saved by Hayis easily. Trouble has followed Jacob as well in the form of another man dragging him back to his realm, and he has yet to show his face again. Others are managing to tend to their own business at hand, and returning. Whether out of curiosity now or maybe out of a means to help those they have come across.

Secrets and backgrounds are beginning to unravel. To a few, Isildilia is revealed to be royalty, and her white wings have been seen springing from her back. Explanations of species and lives have begun to come out as well, pasts that are none too pleasant for any it seems. The beginnings of Kailyn's magic have begun to reveal themselves, though only two know what she is, and she has made sure to get those who know to never mention what she is capable of. To a few, Bishop's form has also been revealed, but it is unsure what he really is.

Traces don't lie, secrets don't stay buried forever, pasts aren't forgotten, and trouble doesn't stay away for long.

Will those parties still without a clue how to get home have someone come to their aid? Will friendships begin to form and trust start to build among the strangers? Will those with their secrets be able to keep them for long, or will they begin to be revealed? How long will the calm last before the storms start to rage and trouble brews?

Find out next time in CM UC!

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