The Final Battle: Part Two

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Adam's POV

My mouth fell open. My own best to be my killer?

This is not how I planned to die.

"Ty! Please! You don't have to do this!" I yelled, trying to stand up. For a split second, I saw sadness seep into his deep brown eyes. But just as quickly as it appeared, it vanished and was replaced by the crazed need to murder.

"Yes. Yes I have to kill you. You deserve it." He spat, "And don't call me Ty. Whoever this 'Ty' is, he's gone."

"You don't even know what you're talking about! Please, TY, stop!" I screamed, tears streaming down my face. I don't usually cry like this, but he's forced me to. He made me like this.

He didn't lower his gun.

"Not happening." Ty muttered. I close my eyes, behind my sunglasses, and heave a sigh. "Can I do one last thing, before I die?" I requested. "You're going to let him kill you?!" Jason almost screamed at me. I held up my hand to hush him, and asked my question once more.

Ty narrowed his eyes, hesitating. Eventually he rolled his eyes and nodded slightly.

I stood, Ty's gun locked on me at all times. One step forward, Ty's grip tightened. Another step, and he's straightened his arms. Third step, and his eyes begin to fill with fear.

Two more small steps, and I was directly in front of him. "I'll miss you." I whispered just before wrapping my arms around him, hugging my newly crazed, life-long friend.

Ty stood there, shocked. My hug had forced his hand down. I heard shuffling, and before I knew it Jason had joined the hug. Then Ty's opposite, my opposite, and the girls.

There was one left: Jason 2.

He hesitated, standing with his arms crossed. But before long he joined the circle. No one can resist a friendship hug.

I peered down at Ty's face. He was staring straight at me, his gaze locked with mine. His warm eyes glistened, and a small smile crept onto his face. "A-Adam?"

The next moments felt like slow motion. Our cheers for Ty's sudden return, the celebration we had, the smile that was forever glued to my face. Ty is back, finally.

Geez, took us long enough.

"Ty, where the hell were you all this time?!" I yelled at him, messing up his hair. He laughed and ran his hand through it to straighten it out.

He began to explain his story of confusion, mishap, and memory-loss. Once he finished, he looked up to see our shocked expressions. That only made him smile even more.

"I'm here now, aren't I?"

"Yeah, you are!" I shouted, pumping my fists in the air. I am way too happy right now. After all this time spent trying to find my friend, I had grown depressed. I'd lost all hope that we would find him.

Now that struggle is over, and we can get on with our lives. But of course, that didn't exactly happen.

I noticed a dark figure moving toward us. I thought it was a trick of the light at first, and continued celebrating. But as it came closer, a definite shape took hold. The figure was a man.

He stopped ten feet away. "I see you found your targets, Ty. Yet they are not dead, as I ordered. Why is this?"

The question was directed to Ty, but I answered anyway. "He's our friend! You're the sicko who ordered him to do this, weren't you?!" I angrily spat. The man chuckled. "Foolish Adam. If I wanted to simply kill you, you would already be in a coffin deep underground."

I gulped. This guy's creepy.

"I wanted it to be as painful as possible, because of what you did to me. Making Ty do it would fulfill my mission." He finished.

"What did I ever do to you?!" I asked, "I never hurt you, or called you names, or even teased you! I DON'T EVEN KNOW YOU!"

"Now that, my old friend, is a lie." The man said, pulling off his hood. When the dark fabric fell away, I gasped and fell to my knees.

"Hello, Adam. We meet again." Ty's dad cackled. Yep. Ty's fudging dad. We used to be close, before he became an alcohol addict. That's when I stopped visiting him. Guess he noticed...

"I waited for you all day, that one Sunday morning. You never showed up." Ty's dad muttered, grinning evilly.

" planned to kill me?" I asked, rolling my eyes. He must be insane, because that is a TERRIBLE reason to kill someone. He nodded, and pulled out a long, jagged knife. "And since Ty won't do it, I will."

He lunged at me, and I darted away. I saw Jason push him into the wall, and Jason2 picked up a random brick to throw at him. They high-fived.

Yet, the man got up and charged once more. But this time, I could not get away quick enough. The blade connected with my arm, cutting a large gash horizontally across. It began to bleed, and I fell to the ground in pain.

Ty's dad kicked me repeatedly. I heard a sickening snap that means I've got a broken rib.


Make that two broken ribs...

All I could do was lay on the ground, limp and useless, until the kicking stopped. Slowly and painfully, I turned myself over to face the man looming over me.

He gripped his dagger with both hands, smiling crazily. "Time to meet your true fate, Adam." He whispered, just barely audible. As he raised his arms, preparing for the kill, I closed my eyes.

I've lived a good life. I thought. If this really is my fate, if this really how I am to die, I should accept it like a man.

I heard cackling above me, past the darkness of my mind. My time has come, I guess. I squeezed my eyes even tighter, and waited for the pain to come.

But it never did.

I heard tumbling, and another sickening sound. This time, though, it didn't sound like a rib. I opened my eyes, and saw Ty standing over the body of his father. Ty didn't show any emotion as his dad slowly lost his breath, slowly lost his life. His head had been bleeding. I assume he hit it against the brick wall.

Ty's eyes flickered over to me and filled with worry. "Adam! We need to get you to a hospital!" He yelled, motioning to the others to help pick me up. Pain shot through my body, in the process.


Then, everything went black.


I know I promised to update, like, yesterday, but my parents decided to randomly give me a ton of chores.

Thanks mom! Love you too! -_-

So, sorry for the delay! Yes, this chapter was LONG overdue, and I'm really sorry about that.

For those of you who will ask if this is the last chapter, there will be an epilogue after this, then that's it. I'll give my sappy speech after that. ;)

Thanks for sticking with this story! Love you all!


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