The Final Battle : Part One

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Ty's POV

They let me go outside today. I remember being inside that building a long time, but not much else.

My rescuers told me that they had found me in a flaming house. The ceiling had collapsed on me, hitting my head. That's how I lost my memory.

As I walked out onto the street, I thought of my mission. I was to assassinate a few people, if I saw them. I think their names were...Adam and Jason? Yeah that sounds about right.

Man, I wonder what those guys did to get my rescuer, who hadn't told me his name, so pissed.


"GOD DAMMIT! It's like they're trying to mock me!" The man yelled. I was sitting in some dentist-like chair, waiting for the doctor to do his check-up. I could hear my rescuer's voice rippling through the air.

"Why must they do this? They cannot fall in love! They'll only become stronger!"

Love? What is love? Is it like a power, or something? I'll have to ask him later...

Suddenly, the now furious man who had been yelling burst through the door, causing me to yelp.

"Quit your squealing, scaredy cat!" He muttered under his breath. I gulped. He'd never been this angry before.

"Well. I am sending you outside to complete a task for me, okay?" His breathing slowed, and the anger disappeared from his eyes.

"Alright. What should you have me do?" I responded right away. I want to avoid his wrath as long as possible, as I still have bruises from last time.

"There are a few...criminals that I'd like you to eliminate." He said slowly, probably trying to find the right words to use.

"You mean...kill them?" I shuttered, gripping the chair beneath me. The man walked over to the desk in the corner, and picked up a file. He then turned to me, an evil glint in his eyes, and opened the folder.

Pictures. Inside there were pictures of two teenagers. One had shaggy, brown hair, and wore sunglasses, while the other's features were hidden underneath a blue spacesuit.

"Interesting people..." I muttered. "Quite." He chuckled, a bit creepily might I add. I laughed too, but out of fear. Fear that he'd kill me.

I don't think I should feel this way about someone who saved my life...


Flashback Over

As I walked past the multi-colored houses, I searched for the evil men that had haunted my rescuer. I heard a dog bark, and instinctively, turned around.

What I saw frightened me.

There they were. The two of them. Wait, there's more than two of them. There are two girls, and another guy who looks familiar but from where, I couldn't say. Wish I knew what I looked like. My rescuer hadn't provided me with a mirror...

They were all barreling toward me, at full speed. They were shouting something...


"It's you!"

"Where were you? We were so worried!"

"Ty! Don't ever scare us like that again!"

The screams filled my ears. Ty? Who is Ty? Am I Ty? I don't know. All I know is that I must kill them.

Instead, I turned and booked it.


Adam's POV

There he is. Ty.

"TY! DON'T SCARE US LIKE THAT AGAIN!" I screamed at him, bolting towards him at rapid speeds. He looked frightened.

Apparently he was, because he turned and darted away. Damn, that kid is fast.

"Ty! Where are you going?!" Jason shouted. Ty looked over his shoulder at us, causing him to slow down a bit. We ran faster.

Running. For the next five minutes.


Ty ran ahead of us, winding down roads, trying to pull a fast one on us by turning down alleys. But we stayed in hot pursuit. We're not losing him again.

Finally, he ran into a brick wall. A dead end. He turned around and slumped down the wall, cowering before us. We'd cornered him.

"Ty?! What the heck was that?!" I asked him. He peeked up at me, fear and sadness gleaming in his eyes. "I'm sorry, but I don't know anyone named Ty." he croaked, almost in tears.

What happend while we were gone?

"Ty, stop fooling around. We need to go home." I stated, pulling him up. He just stood there, unsure of what to do.

"TY. Quit it." Jason scolded him.

Suddenly, COMPLETELY out of nowhere, Ty attacked. Kicking, yelling, and pushing. I. Am. So. Freaking. Confused.

"I'm not Ty. I'm not Ty. For the last time, I AM NOT TY." He yelled through gritted teeth. He was towering over us all, having beat us all up. I knew he took karate, but geez!

"Ty-er-I mean...What's going on?" I questioned weakly. There was a sharp pain in my ribs from where Ty had pounded me.

He slipped something from his back pocket. A small, sleek black object. A gun.

His eye twitched, and as he raised the gun to us he said in a crazed voice,

"I was ordered to kill you."


From the words of LSP...


OMG. I am so sorry it took so long to update this. To be honest, I had writer's block while trying to write this chapter and well...the gun came out of nowhere, I can tell you right now.

Plz! Don't hurt me! Ifan! IFAN!

I'm gonna try to finish this story within the next week or so, because as you can see this is PART ONE of the epic, or not so epic finale. Hope you all enjoyed reading! Bye!


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