Calm yourself!

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Okay, I'm going to try for a super long chapter. Let's see what happens...

Jason's POV

I walked out of Jason2's house and squinted. Wow! It is bright out here! Although, I was in a poorly lit home for the last couple hours so...

I need to find Adam. My dream left me on edge. Something is definitely up. I just wonder where Ty is.

I pulled out my phone and tried to call Adam. No cell service. Darn you AT&T! Well, I don't think ANY company would cover different dimensions.

I slipped my phone back in my pocket just as I bumped into some guy. "Sorry!" I apologized, looking up. "Adam!" I recognized my friend. "Jason! Is that really you? Wait your smiling. It is you!" Adam hugged me. "H-Hey-I.....can't b-breath!" I choked out. Geez, that guy has a strong grip!

"Sorry, it's just I ran into these, like, clones of us, and your clone was all grumpy and stuff and...and..." I knew what was coming after that. "Jason I'm so startled!" Adam screamed, death hugging me again. He suddenly remembered to let me breath and let go.

"Okay, chill. We just have to find Ty and get out of here." I reassured him. "Okay...HOW THE HELL DO WE DO THAT?" Adam yelled. *Sigh* He never shuts up does he?

"Well, we will just have to look around. Think of it as hide and seek!" I said, trying to cheer him up. "Dude. I'm not 5!" Adam rolled his eyes and started walking to the park. "Where are you going?" I called out to him. "The park! Don't you remember the eating oreos in a bush incident?"

Ty's POV

"ugh. I'm hungry!" I yelled. If I'm going to have to be a test subject they might as well feed me! Yea, you heard right. As "torture" they're making me go through all these tests. It's basically just a bunch of parquor. Over lava. Not like I haven't done it before. Eheh. *eye twitches*

Okay, you got me. I'm slowly going insane. Ever since my first talk with my kidnapper, who by the way is my freaking dad, (No surprise there) no one really talks to me. It's driving me crazy.

To pass the time, I've been singing. Singing. I do this when I was alone. Like when I was at that park eating oreos. I like that bush. Don't ask.

But I'd never actually try to sing well in front of anyone. I can already see Adam laughing in my face. Adam! Jason! I'll never see them again! Tears started to form in my eyes. Crud! Don't cry Ty. It'll make you look weak.

So I just sat there for the next hour, daydreaming about if I ever escaped. A voice started to talk to me, in my head. Yeah, I'm officially insane.

"Don't give up, Ty!" Don't give up?! I'm locked up in a freaking cell, cameras everywhere. There. Is. No. Escape.

"Oh, but Ty, your friends will save you."

My friends aren't here.

"Oh, really?"


"What if I told you they followed you that night you ran away?"

They did! Those bastards! I still am relieved, though.

"Yes I know."

Shuddup I wasn't talking to you!

"You are always talking to your thoughts."

So I can't even have privacy in my own mind?!

"Sounds about right."

You suck.

"I'm you."

Yeah whatever.

Adam and Jason better come soon.


Yeah, forget what I said about a long chapter...

It takes me a while to write, so it feels like a lot, when really its not.

That rhymed! :D

Night my rainbow-puking fluffy bunnies!!


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