The Girl and the Artist

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Sorry! I've been super busy lately. And now I'm sunburned. Thanks stupid waterpark! Tell me what you think!! :D

----------------------------------------------------Jason's POV

I woke up, sweat beading down my face. I had a dream last night. Well it was more of a nightmare...



I was standing in a dark, dreary corridor in what seemed to be a castle. I looked outside, and it looked like the End. Huh? I heard voices, down the corridor. I tiptoed over to a door that stood ajar, because it seemed like where the noise was coming from.

"So you're sure the plan is going alright?" I heard a particularly raspy voice ask. "Yes, the plan is going great. Setting up that portal was only the first step. Once we capture the other two, its only a matter of time..." another voice said, this one familiar, though I couldn't put my finger on it.

Did they mean us? Have they captured Ty? I need to find Adam! My thoughts raced. I didn't notice the lack of noise, too busy panicking in my thoughts. The door creeped open, to reveal two hooded figures, one with a long, black dagger. "Well, look here, we got a spy." cackled one of them. I gulped. The blade's tip was covered in blood.

End of Dream


Something wasn't right. Wait, where am I?

I looked around the dark room. I could make out a tv, coffee table, a couch (which was where I was sitting,) and a kitchen behind me. Oh right! I was Awkward.

"And he's alive!" snickers someone in the corner. I jump up and started backing away. "U-Uh, who are you?" I called out. "Duh, it's me, Jason. Geez, calm yourself, you wuss." Jason2 smirks. My face turned red with embarrassment, though it was so dark he probably couldn't see.

"Why's it so dark in here?" I asked, fumbling around for a light switch. "I like the dark, its, uh, calming." he bursts out. "Okay..." I found the switch and flicked it on, illuminating the room. Someone else sat next to Jason2, trying to keep from laughing.

"And who are you?" I ask, trying not to blush at the fact that this girl, yes girl, had just seen me go all scared ninja mode. She looked up at me with smiling, green eyes."I could ask you the same question. I'm Alexandra, but I will freaking kill you if you ever call me that. Alex is more preferable." Alex explained, flipping back her long, strawberry blonde hair. So...perfect. Wait, did I really just say that? Pull yourself together Jason!

"Yeah, w-well I'm Jason." I stuttered. *facepalm* She chuckled. "Yeah, well, we have to go help my friend with something. Go ahead and help yourself to anything for breakfast, just DON'T GO IN MY ROOM!" Jason2 yelled the last part, and pulled Alex, who I'm guessing is his girlfriend, out the door with him.

Instead of breakfast, I decided to explore. I found all of the rooms easily, it being an exact replica of my house. Even my hidden cupboard in the kitchen where I stash all my chocolate. Don't tell anyone I said that.

Anyway, I couldn't help but feel the need to peek in Jason2's room. I mean, everything's better when it's not allowed. Again, I found it easily, and looked around. Now this DEFINITELY is not like my room at all.

Instead of computer and recording equipment everywhere, there was art stuff. And ALOT of art stuff. Pencils, paper, an easel, paint, and brushes, you name it. It was also a lot, messier. Clothes strewn all over the floor. Ugh, that really bother me. Call me a clean freak but that's just not acceptable in MY house.

But this isn't my house. Darn.

I noticed a piece of big poster board propped up on the easel. There was a drawing on it. It looked familiar, but I couldn't remember... Wait! It's my minecraft skin! Well, sort of. It was a blue astronaut, flying between the stars, helmet gleaming. I had always loved my skin, even though the guys always teased me about never taking off my helmet.

I'm just mysterious like that ;)


Okay so I've decided the story is in real life from now on... Well Ty will still have his headphones, cuz those are too flippin awesome!! :D

Also, I know it's kind of boring... I have writers block!! So I want at least...2 suggestions on what should happen next in the story. I'm trying to add romance, like with Alex and Jason, but I've never been good with writing that mushy stuff. So if you have any tips for that it would be SO helpful! Thank you!!

Oh also, I keep forgetting. I think I decided you guys were my bunnies... So goodnight mah sweet bunnies!! Thanks for almost 50 reads! Holy cow pow zow mow dow! :p



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