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Ehh. I got nothing. On with the chapta!

----------------------------------------------------Sky's POV

"Jason! We have got to see if Ty is ok!" I shouted. "I'll meet you there!" he replied, clearly holding back tears. Ty was our best friend, and we couldn't bear to see him hurt like that.

MagICaL tiMe SkiP!


We arrived at Ty's house, but saw no signs of life. I ran up to his door and started pounding on it. "Uh, Sky, I don't think that's a good idea..." Jason said, just before the door opened.

"Whaza whooz heeere?" Ty's father slurred. "Oh, i-it's you punks. Looking for Ty?" he chuckled. "Yeah! What have you done with him?" Jason bravely yelled. I've taught him so well. "Hey!" Ty's father yelled, "I deserve r-respect!" he yelled as best he could trying not to mess up his words. Yeah right.

"Yeah, sorry sir, we just need to see Ty." Jason calmy said. Darn, he was doing well. I-I don't actually k-know where he i-is. He ran out of his room after I smashed his f-fancy thing-a-doo." he said.

"A thing-a-wha? Anyway, do you have any idea where he might be?" I politely asked. From the past events it may be a good idea to avoid aggravating him. "No, I don't. Now I-I've got to get back to m-my game." he half yelled half whispered. Ty's father slammed the door, nearly hitting me in the face.

"Well! Rude much?" I whispered sarcastically. "We'd better find Ty. Just then, I saw a flash of green between the trees in the forest next to Ty's house. "Jason, did you see that?" I yelled excitedly. "Yeah. It looked like Ty's headphones!" he shouted, running into the trees. "Wait for me!" I called, running after him, disappearing into the darkness of the forest.

We ran through the forest, dodging trees and pulling away branches, following the neon green light. Moonlight passed over the headphone wearer's face and I could clearly make out Ty's sad, worried look. He hadn't seen us yet. I caught up to Jason and held him back. He looked at me, confused, and I held my finger up to my lips.

We turned back to Ty, who had now stopped running. He was staring at a...portal? Da heck?

Ty's POV (Includes events in the last chapter)

I stared at my broken monitor, my heart broken. I spent all my money on that. It was the only thing that kept me going. I felt the tears running down my face as I stormed out of the room. I didn't care when my dad yelled at me to "get back here mister!" I didn't care that his friends called me a baby as I ran out the door. I didn't care that my head was throbbing with pain, or that my life sucked, and has sucked ever since I was a kid. When my dad started to drink.



"Choo choo!" I said, moving the small train down it's wooden tracks. I was playing with my trains when I heard yelling downstairs. I left my room and quietly moved down the stairs to see what was happening.

"Don't talk to me that way David!" my mother yelled. "I can t-talk to you however I-I want, n-now get me that beer!" my father yelled back. Why was he talking so funny?

"David, I can't take any more of this! Ever since you have started this drinking spree you've become a monster. Goodbye!" she screamed, grabbing her crocodile skin purse that I loved to play with. She turned toward the door. She saw me, and gave me a sad look just before she walked out.

"Daddy? Where is mommy going?" I asked my father. "Do I look l-like I know? Now g-get out of this room on t-the count of three, or I hit y-you! One!" he yelled viciously at me. "T-Two!" he screamed as I scurried up the stairs, my small legs tripping on every other one.

I ran into my room and closed the door, panting. I sank down to the floor, my back still against the door. Why was he so mad? Mommy would come home. She always does. Wouldn't she?



I started running towards the forest. It comforted me as a kid, and I hoped it would help me now. I couldn't stop. Tears streaming down my face, I tore through the trees like a wild animal. Only weaker, more likely to fall.

I stopped. Before me was a portal. But not like any portal I've ever seen. The edges were a deep red, almost like blood, and the portal itself shimmered black, swirls of grey mixed in. It looked...well...evil.

Suddenly, I heard a stick snap behind me. I swerved around, but saw nothing. My dad must be coming for me, I thought. A feeling of horror rose in my chest. I couldn't go back, not after today. I turned back to the portal, and did the only thing I could think of.

I plunged in.

Copied: A Skydoesminecraft, MinecraftUniverse, and Deadlox FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now