Mr. Awesome Sauce

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So I didn't have to clean. :D Well, I haven't heard otherwise...


Anyway, enjoy chapter...uhh...I'll look it up later.

Deadlox: Wow. You lazy butt.

Me: Yeah, well, you're writing this chapter.

Deadlox: That makes you even lazier!

Me: Aw shuddup.


Mr. Awesome Sauce's POV (aka Ty)

"Come on up, Ty." the deep voice cackled.

I was forced from my chair and up the creaky stairs to reach the stage. I felt sweaty palms on my neck, keeping me from running away.

"As you all know, we've called this meeting to discuss our next move in the plan." the voice yet again called out. I heard murmurs ripple across the crowd.

"Quiet! We must capture the other foolish boys. They are the only thing that stands in our way."

I looked at the hooded figure standing at the podium. "What did we do?" I asked, frowning.

"You keep your people safe, do you not?" he rasped. "Uh, from pizza. We aren't really heroes, if that's what you mean." I argued.

"Well, no matter what you are, you are still a vital part of our plan. You see, each and every person has a special quality about themselves that allows them to access certain dimensions. Mine allows me passage to very few. That is why I an extracting that essence from you, and taking it for myself." he smiled deviously.

I felt my level of scaredness got higher.

(Fiona: Scaredness?! Deadlox: IDK)

"W-What is that essence that you have to take from me?" I stuttered.

He smirked. "Love."

My eyes widened.


The Spaz's POV (aka Adam)

No. This isn't happening. My life is already crazy. This must be a dream. Someone pinch me.


Whoops, didn't mean to say that out loud.

"I'm sorry, did you hit your head on the pavement or something?" the girl laughed.

She had messy brown hair, a kind of a uniform, and a yellow and purple pendant.

She looked exactly like me.

"W-Who are you?" I asked, rubbing my head. "I could ask the same of you. I'm Skyler." she held out her hand.

"I'm Sky." I mumbled, taking her hand. She helped me up, and held my hand longer than necessary.

I looked down at our hands, and back up again to see a blushing Skyler. She quickly pulled her hand away.

"Sorry. You just look so much like..." she trailed off. "Me." I finished.

She looked up at me and smiled. "Yeah. Exactly. Even my pendant."

I smiled. "Well, crazier things have happend to me today."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean I'm trapped in another dimension because I can't find my friend and I met copies of me and my friends but then we were looking for my friend and I ran away and now-" I was stopped suddenly by her hand on my mouth.

I gave her a questioning look and she shrugged. "You were rambling."

I let out a muffled laugh. She really was like me.

"What's so funny?" she scowled. I shrugged. "I dunno. You."

That made her blush even darker than before. Wait...did she like me?! We are like, twins. That'd be kind of creepy.

But then again, she was pretty cute. The way her sky-blue eyes twinkled in the moonlight. Dammit Adam! Shuddup!

"Wait. You aren't wearing sunglasses." I tilted my head, studying her face.

She smirked. "Guys seem to like my blue eyes."

This time it was my turn to blush.



Me: Wow. That was pretty good.

Deadlox: Well, duh! *points to himself* Mr. Awesome Sauce wrote it!

Me: *rolls eyes* Don't ever say that again.

Deadlox: You're just jealous I have a better name then you!

Me: I'm freaking Princess Fiona. Don't mess with meh.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter! I looked it up, and it is the twelfth chapter, not including A/Ns.

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