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*Kimmi's point of view*

It was 3:47am and I was up on a real estate website looking at some really nice houses. I could never afford them but they were really nice. For some reason they made me think of Andy.

I don't know why I was still mad at him at this point. He was hurt. He broke his leg. I would be mad as hell too.

He still didn't have to leave like that.

He had to go to tour.

He could've warned you.

I should've expected it. It's not like they just skipped out on tour when they met me. But now we're all friends. It all works out in the end, right?

I really wanted to call Andy. I felt drunk, but I wasnt. It was like, when you're super tired and you wanna spill your heart out to everyone. That was me. I wanted to do that.

I scrolled down the website looking at all the nice houses that I would never get. Maybe I should just leave Andy alone? Would he let me? Why was I special? Why did the band hang on to me?

I was pulled out of my thoughts by loud ringing. I looked over at my phone and saw that CC was calling.


"What do I do? What do I do?" CC whispered quickly.

"What happened?"

"Dani is having a seizure! I don't know what to do! I called the ambulance and they're on the way but what do I do?!" CC asked, trying to keep his voice down.

"Oh my god. How did it start?" I asked.

"I don't know. We were talking about our future and our past and shit like that and she just spazzed. She's still fucking at it! I'm scared shitless!" CC said, not caring about his voice anymore. I could hear his voice cracking. Oh god.

"I think the best thing that you can do is wait it out," I said, trying to be as calm as possible.

"I can't fucking wait this shit out when the love of my fucking life is shaking on the floor, not responding to me!" CC yelled.

"CC, calm down. She needs you right now. She would want you to be calm. Just try to say soothing things to her," I said, looking on Google for help and moral support. My best friend was having a seizure.

Holy shit.

I heard the sirens in the background of the call but they were drowned out by CC's sobs, "I can't do it, Kimmi. What if she dies?" he cried.

"She's not gonna die. Don't say that!" I said.

"The ambulance is here. I'll try to make it through this. I'll call you in a little bit to keep you updated," CC said.

"Alright. Stay strong for her. I'm gonna get a ticket to LA as soon as I can," I said.

"Ok, please hurry because I can't do this on my own," CC said as he cried. I heard loud knocks, "It's open just please hur-" the phone clicked, indicating that the call was over.

I dropped my phone and started crying. My best friend was having a seizure. She's never done that before. Why did she do it now? Was she going to die? What was happening to my life? Why did this happen to her? Why was I not there?


The fastest way that I could go to LA was the next morning at 10:35 am. So basically in 4 hours. I hadn't gone to sleep that night because I kept thinking about a lot of things. I would have to see Andy. That was one of the main things that I thought about. Was I even ready to see him? I wasn't mad at him but it's been a while since I last saw him.

I decided to start packing my things because I would just hang out at Dani's place until I found a place of my own. I didn't pack everything that I owned but I packed a lot. I would have to come back for the rest though.

I wondered if everyone else knew about Dani? Did CC only tell me? Of course not. Right? Why did I even care if CC told everyone else? It's not like I'm special. I left them without an explanation. It's only been these past weeks that we been talking. What am I even doing with my life?

I sat up, waiting for 10am to come around so that I can leave. I just pondered over literally everything. What would I say to Andy? "You should move on. I'm super weird," Would that work? Should I tell him that I love his new music? Ugh!

// guys I know this is a shitty chapter and you had to wait so long for this short piece of shit but I'M SORRY! I really want to delete this book but I'm trying because you guys like it (I think idk). I don't know when the next update is going to be but please bare with me. I'm trying and I have a lot on my plate right now. I want to write so many over books but finishing them would be like ughhhhh so I wanna know, should i do a one-shot (imagine) book? it would probably be shit but idk THANKS FOR READING!

stay kawaii peeps//

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