Just Another Mission

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"Soundwave, report to the flight deck, your mission will begin."

Coming out of her strong concentration, she swings her helm to face him. It has only been a few days since she had asked Soundwave to help her with her belt, since then he had been acting strangely. Harder to read.

Already he had another mission. For some reason he was to fly to an energon mine. Longshot had tried to convince Megatron otherwise, of what a bad idea such a thing would be. Though she didn't doubt Soundwave's fighting skills, she still worried.

Pulling herself from her thoughts, she sees Soundwave staring at her, before quickly turning a slowly walking out of the main throne room. Watching him leave, she admires him. The courage to go into unknown territory was impressive.

But she could not fawn over him forever, she was now to monitor the cameras, and order drones to aid her in small tasks. What many didn't know, is that she had sent a drone to supervise Soundwave's mission. It had been a long time since she last had flown, and she wanted to see.

After a few quiet minutes of the drone tailing Soundwave, the camera shows Soundwave landing, observing the area before entering the energon mine.

Minutes pass, what feel like hours to her, as she patiently waits to see Soundwave exit the cave.

Suddenly, the drone camera blurs out for a moment, as he falls from the sky, crashing into the ground. Luckily for her, the camera survives the crash, and she can she a tilted view of Soundwave exiting the cave.

As she is still trying to see what caused the drone to crash, she sees blue plasma shots hit Soundwave in the chestplates, as he gets hit, she notices that his chest plates are bare, leaving his symbiote, Lazerbeak, somewhere in the crossfire.

As Soundwave deploys his appendages to assault a small blue femme and a yellow mech, who are both shooting Soundwave from behind a large boulder he moves closer to them blocking their shots with his servos.

Nervously watching the fight, Longshot notices a white mech with green and red markings behind Soundwave. The mech slowly creeps behind Soundwave, suddenly lunging on him, as Soundwave is fighting the new mech, she notices the two other bots move towards them and as Soundwave fights them off, the white mech hits the back of his helm, knocking him unconscious.

Longshot has already let out shouts of frustration and fear, watching the battle and not being able to aid him.

Her spark breaks even more as she sees the three drag Soundwave through a ground bridge, taking him to some unknown place.


Sprinting to find Megatron, she sees him in the hallway, heading towards the main throne room, she is overwhelmed, grasping onto him, pulling him towards the room to show him the video.

As Megatron sees the whole video, he remains silent the entire time, Longshot fidgeting and uncontrollably twitching. As he gets to the part with the three dragging him through the ground bridge, he pauses the video, glaring at the bots.

"It seems the Autobots have captured my intelligence officer."

As Megatron begins to walk away to plan a recovery, Longshot yells to him, unusually loud.

"I will do it! I will recover him. Let me go!"

Megatron turns to his old friend, glancing down at her, not wishing for another of his most loyal followers get captured. Seeing the determination in her stance, he sighs, walking to his throne, and sits down.

"Tell me your plan then."

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