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"Frag frag fragitty frag!"

Longshot holds herself back from flinging her current project at someone.

"Question: Longshot, upset?"

Slightly growling she sarcastically chirps "No, not at all, Soundwave!"

Longshot has been working on various projects over the past months. She has completed the basic structure of her rifle, it can shoot, but she has not yet restored it to its former glory. Another project she has been working with on the side has been a weapons belt. She had planned for it to wrap around and stay secured above her hip plating, but it is either too tight or too loose, since it is fairly difficult to measure yourself when you're bending to make sure you are getting it correct.

"Statement: Longshot. Angry."

Soundwave continues typing away, monitoring various energon mines, updating codes and such, vision locked on the computer screen.

Longshot simply glances over, scoffing at the mech. The two would normally bicker, do what the humans call 'talk smack'. It was fairly amusing to see how far she could go before she would be poked with one of his extendable appendages.

As she continues her work on the belt, she hears a noise that could only be described as slithering, slowly moving her optics as far as she can without moving her helm, she sees one appendage to her right, hovering dangerously close to her helm. Looking to her left, she sees the other, moving to wrap around her pede.

As the appendage around her pede slowly circles her pede, constricting it, she suddenly grabs the appendage near her helm, yanking it towards her, resulting in Soundwave sliding a few feet closer to her.

"Fact: Longshot. Rude."

Yanking once more on the appendage, she shifts gears in her mask to activate her fake mech voice.

"Soundwave. Impatient."

The two quietly face each other. Neither looking away, as Soundwave retracts his appendages slowly, retracting them back into his frame.

Turning back to her small workstation, she grabs the weapons belt, holding it out to him. Changing her mask to allow her true voice through, she casually asks,

"Mind helping me out with this?"

When Soundwave does not reply, simply glares at her, dark visor showing no emotion as she strides over to him, places the belt in his servo, and turns around, lifting her servos slightly.

"Hurry up, would you? I'd like to say I don't have all day but we both know that would be a lie."

Grabbing his servos from behind her, she wraps the front of the belt around her waist, tightening it to fit on her hip plates. When she gets the front of the belt secured, she hands the two ends of it to Soundwave, as he grabs it, she notices slight hesitation in his movements, being careful not to touch her.

Clicking the belt firmly into place, Soundwave stands still as Longshot turns to him, nodding in thanks, and walks back to her computer station, continuing her work.

Slightly strutting more than usual to her computer station. Longshot has noticed the lasting glances
Soundwave would give her when he thought she couldn't see. It was amusing to her. Seeing the 'faceless con' staring at her from time to time.

Of course she noticed him too, his frame intrigued her. His visor also interested her, she wore her mask for secrecy, to hide her faceplate, and for protection. What she really wondered was if he had a faceplate at all.

Until she could figure out a plan to see for herself, she would wait. Just as she did on Cybertron while on a mission.

Just as she always will.

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