Poor Planning

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"If I wasn't hard and hollow maybe you would miss me"

Longshot wakes with a start, recovering from the short stasis, the memories from her past still stinging her processor. As she attempts to stand, her processor replays a memory of how she got on this accursed planet. The explosions, wails of agony, the feeling of her stasis pod for one moment, floating in tranquility, then, the plummet into her current home. Her pod crashed into a deep cavern, which had only enough energon to support her for a steller cycle. But, with exploration of the cavern, she has managed to almost completly scavenge all of the energon she can find. She has been trapped in this place for 3 steller cycles, and now, it was wearing on her. She could not fly at all, a clamp had been put on her folded wings by her captors making sure she could not escape. But now, she is slowly dying of not being about to fly, feel the wind. Her energon is gone. None left in her entire area.

Her processor has been slowly falling away from her grasp, piece by piece.

"If I wasn't here tomorrow would anybody care?"

She stumbles, her vision wavering. She hates herself for allowing this to happen. She was trapped, tricked. She was so stupid, foolish!

"All the chances that have passed me by, would it matter if I gave it one more try"

She slammed her servos against the cavern wall, hating everything. Everything, everyone was against her on Cybertron. Even before she was a bounty hunter, a killer. She was simply a sparkling back then, and her all of those she had known left her! She kicked and screamed, a loud static showing itself at the end of her outburst. She placed her servos against her helmet. Wonderful. She had broken it. Moving to take off the cumbersome helmet, a large light appears behind her. A ground bridge? Of course, rescue! As she begins moving towards it, she sees multiple bots moving out, collecting herself, she realizes that this may not be a rescue.

"Commander Starscream, we have arrived at the new energon resource, and there is almost nothing here, sir"

Starscream? That designation seemed too familiar. As she continues to ponder who this mech could be, a voice brings itself out pf the still open portal.

"Keep searching, you imbeciles! There surely has to be something!" The clicking of pedes is heard as he snatches something from one of the bots. " Look at this, what does that mean, hm?" She barely peeks over the small rock she is currently hiding behind to she him backhand one of the bots. " This is a signal, a weak one at that, idiots. This way." As he moves, she notices that they all sound as if they are moving towards her. Panic sets in, they are. The energon signal was her! Quickly thinking up a plan, she waits until they near her. "Excuse me sir, but there appears to be nothing here." As the loud mech who appears to be in charge swivels to retort to the other bot, she takes her chance and launches over the rock, kicking the whiny mech down. The multiple others begins to shoot as she uses to last of her energy to sprint towards her goal.

The ground bridge.

30 yards, she stumbles, but continues dodging the shots being fired at her and continues.

20 yards, one of the odd looking bots hits her right servo, making her wince but continue.

10 yards. So close. Just as she was getting ready to burst through the ground bridge, a small missile launches into her shoulder and explodes. Longshot falls, and hits her helm on her way down, knocking her temporarily unconscious.


"What are you all doing, just standing there gawking at it. Pick this thing up and bring it to Megatron immediately!"

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