Unwanted Capture

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*steller cycle= year*

Steller cycles later, the planet Cybertron is currently being ravaged by war between the Autobots and Decepticons. The femme bounty hunter has been overwhelmed with more assassination orders then what she can keep up with, her current target, Orion. A clerk for Alpha Trion, he is a prominent character of the autobots and a bot is willing to pay quite the large amount of energon and credits for his helm.
Collecting her various weapons, she heads out from the cheap inn she is currently staying in, and works her way on foot towards the large autobot headquarters where he was last sighted. Flying would be much faster, but a warrant has been issued for the type of cybertronian jet that she currently transforms into. She reads up on the datapad that has all of the necessary information on her target. Frame type, height, alt-mode, etc. Not entirely paying attention to where she is going, she slams into a chestplate. Servos move to grip her, but she simply hears a surprised chuckle.
"Longshot. Long time no see darling. Where have you been?"
Longshot. She hadn't heard that name in a very long time. In her type of business, the only names that are transferred are the targets. But, to her current situation, she fails at holding in a groan.
She curtly nods, moving to the side to escape from his pestering conversations.
"Hey now! No thanks to the mech who gave you that helmet your currently wearing? How ru-"
She swiftly moves up to him, putting on of her smaller daggers dangerously close to his neck cabling. Two small green orbs appear on her visor, along with a thin line for a mouth, slightly turned down in a frown. He now nervously chuckles, moving slowly away from the femme.
"Hey now, calm down there, just making conversation,"
She moves closer, intimidating him using her posture and 'optics'
" I'll just.... Make my way away then."

She sheaths her dagger, and turns away, walking quickly in order to make up for lost time that was taken by the annoying mech. Soon enough, she reaches the entrance, entering, she sees a large ceiling showing off the riches that this group had, white for their 'purity'. Longshot scoffed. It was a pathetic attempt to seem good. It didn't matter what side you were on, you were bad. But alas, such a thing did not matter to this certain femme.
Slowly breezing through the few bots that were in the entry room, she sees Orion at the front desk. Simply wishing to get this quickly over with, she begins to draw her close range plasma gun, when he moves up out of the desk and heads towards a hallway. 'Easy enough'. Quickly following the area he set off in, she enters the long hallway to see Orion standing at the end, pulling out her plasma gun, she takes aim.

Just as she pulls the trigger to end this mechs existence, metal bars slam down from the ceiling in front of her. Looking behind her, she sees the same has happened behind her. Looking back, she sees Orion speaking to the mech that sent the order to assassinate him, pointing towards her. 'A set up, thats what this is! Dirty autoscum!' Before she can react however, electricity surges through her frame and she shuts down into a painful forced stasis.

" Now what do we do?" The former client asks.
Orion simply looks at her frame. Seeing what would be the best outcome. A fighter, a flyer, and tactical long range sniper would be a beneficial cause to the Autobots.
" Bring her aboard the airship in a stasis pod until we reach the planet the decepticons are heading to, along with the rest of the troops? A crazy idea, but she is not pledged to either cause, it could be easy to bring her over to the Autobots Orion."
Orion simply nodded, thinking of ways to make the dangerous femme an autobot.

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