Old Friends

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Longshot groggily wakes up from her stasis to hear two muffled voices talking. Not wanting to get caught, she silently adjusts her audio receptors on the sides of her helm and listens in.

" - Will comm Lord Megatron immediately Starscream.... Aft"

"What? Nevermind. What is it anyway?!"

It? Not sure how much I like that. I swear I'm going to-

"It's obviously a femme, Starscream, never see one before?"
Ha. I like this one. Quite the entertainer. She continues to listen in, wanting to know as much information as she can learn while she is able to.

"Shut it Knockout, why are we keeping her anyway-"

"-She looks absolutely useless."


Memories crash through her processor, unwanted memories. Her sire banishing her because of what she would become. Her carrier, a mech, he tried, but he could not keep her safe by himself. So he sent her away. By this time she was able to scavenge for credits by begging, mostly pickpocketing bots.


She was called that term for a long time on Cybertron. Far too many times.

Onlining her mask optics, and her own real ones, she snaps up, seizing the mech that she remembers from her cavern. Said mech lets out a high pitched cry. But she cannot hear anymore, her visor shows only her one target, hyper focusing her to attack him. Slamming her sharp mask into his helm, she stabs him lightly, causing energon to flow from the small wound.

"Get this thing off of me!" He calls for the other bot that was talking, but he was just standing there, a mixed expression of surprise and amusement.

She continues her assault on the mech, if she had any of her weapons, she would have already slit his neck cabling with her dagger and be done with it. But since that is not the case, she'd have to do it the old fashioned way.

Longshot slams her servo into his helm, causing a yelp from him and a enthusiastic "WOO GET HIM!" from the onlooker. She continues her assault, scraping him with her servos, pedes, kicking him when he was struggling. But for some reason, something in the back of her processor told her to keep him alive. I suppose it will be entertaining to see how he reacts to my presence later on...

Standing to her pedes, one near his side, and another directly on the back of his helm. She straightens her back struts, standing tall.

Suddenly, a slow clap and deep, gravely voice rouses her from her concentration.

"Well Longshot. I see you haven't changed a bit since Cybertron."

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