Time Goes By Quickly

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Months have passed, Longshot has learned much about the planet she crash landed on. Knockout gave her a new comm-link, allowing her to comm other Decepticons. He also gave her an upgrade to allow her to research things on what humans call 'the internet'.
She has learned the odd time tables of the humans, their terms for certain things were different from what she knew. And odd. Very odd. She learned what the inhabitants of this planet were, 'humans'. Squishy little flesh... Things. They were quite odd, they had some type of gladiators, but without the whole death part of things. If you asked her, she thought it was boring. She has yet to see one in the 'flesh' however, as she has been convined to the Nemisis since her arrival.

Soundwave was appointed to teach her how to keep track of files, ground bridge uses, and to monitor the cameras throughout the ship. She learned in a short amount of time, being able to do her tasks quickly, even able to multitask away from her work station with the help of her mask. She would often have free time, allowing her to work on her weapons and partially rebuild her long range weapons quickly. She has equipped herself with self made daggers, small, but carved and serrated to allow a mortal wound whoever had the misfortune of meeting her on poor terms. She sharpens her armor daily, as she builds blueprints for more durable and sharp armor, that can flex closer to her to allow her to more easily hide.

As the others go out to mine for energon and fight the Autobots, she simply watches , waiting. She has been able to view battles sometimes if a drone had a recorder on them, which happened sometimes, but not a lot. Over the time, she has watched the battles on her off time, saving the recordings so she could research them, possibly learn tactics or moves that she didn't know of. She has learned the names of some of them, the heavier green mech is called Bulkhead, the wrecker of the group. A yellow mech, Bumblebee. A blue femme, Arcee. She does not know what their medic looks like, as he has not been out on the field that she could see during the battles. But despite all of the information she has gathered of the Autobots, she does not know much of the leader, an 'Optimus Prime', she never remembered hearing of a prime named Optimus, however, some change their designation after becoming a prime. It was odd however, she swore she knew the blue optic mech from somewhere on Cybertron.

Ignoring the battles, all was well for her. She bonded over time with everybot on the Nemisis, getting to read their body language and techniques as easy as she could read herself. What was more difficult was Soundwave. Like her, he had his faceplate covered, and did not speak much, making it slightly challenging. She was only able to read his body language, perhaps when a servo twitched or his helm lowers just the smallest bit, he has some type of reaction. Even though it was a challenge living on the Nemisis, she truly loved a challenge.

What she didnt know is, how humans say it " shit would hit the fan"

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