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"Well Longshot, I see you haven't changed a bit since Cybertron."

That voice. Could it be...

Shifting a small gear on her mask, she allows her real voice to come through, a strong voice that hasnt been used since Cybertron.


Longshot looks up, her optics landing on an old figure from her past.


Completely out of what she is normally like, she sprints towards the new mech in the room and lunges at him, the force pushing him back a step, but not much. Wrapped around his neck cabling, she balances on his sides, and starts lightly slapping him. Shacking her off of him, she lands on the floor, and faces the other mechs.

The shiny red mech that watch the fight carefully asks "Lord Megatron, what- what just happened."

Looking down at the femme, Megatron smirks and begins to explain.

Longshot was back in Cybertron when they met, Megatron- formally Megatronus, was a gladiator. Longshot was an expert marksman, but still a novice at close combat. Every so often, she would head to the gladiator ring to watch the fights and try to learn fighting techniques from others. Afterwards she would get a drink from the local energon bar, that just so happened many gladiators came to.

A mech started to get much too close, and ended up starting a fight with her. When she punched him back, he bumped into Megatronus', he hit him, and after the mech was taken care of, Megatronus offered her a drink. After a while he realized they were very alike, and offered to train her. And that was the start of her best ( and perhaps only) friendship.


A/N Short chappie! :)

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