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After everything was explained, Longshot went with Megatron to tour the Nemisis, before Knockout, the red mech, told some very important information to her.

"Longshot, right? Well, how exsactly did you get here?"

She glanced towards Megatron, and answered with a simple "Crashed"

He tapped his servo on the lower part of his helm, saying " Ah that makes sense, it seems that when you crashed, your energon was severely damaged"

Megatron steps in, a questioning look on his faceplate "..And?"

Knockout clears his vents in a short cough before saying "Longshots energon tank, even if full, will only last- in earth terms- 3 hours."

Longshot stares at Knockout, not knowing what to say. She had known that since she arrived on this planet, she had always lost energon quickly, but the way he diagnosed her '3 hours' did not sound like a long amount of time. Clearing her vents, she says in more of a statement then a question, "So, I will not be able to.... Fly."

"Not for long, no."

She was crushed. Flying was her escape, how she forgot everything bad that was happening. How she found peace. She simply shook her helm, wishing for it not to be true, even though she knows such a thingg is foolish to do. Simply walking besides Megatron, he shows her the med bay, which they had exited from, where the drones areas were, the energon refueling stations, training rooms, and what seemed like his throne room.

Entering, the first thing she notices is a mech standing at what seems like a data console, his back to them.

"And this, Longshot, is the Decepticons intelligence officer, Soundwave."

Soundwave. I know that designation, from where though?

In response to his name, he turns to face them. Expecting a faceplate like the others around here, she was met with a dark visor. His frame, odd she thought. Instead of wings on his back struts, they seemed to form his servos.

"Query: New femme. Longshot?"

He spoke using various clips of different bots talking, confusing her a bit, but not by much.

"Yes Soundwave, this is Longshot."
Megatron spoke, before adding "And she will be working here to assist you."

Excuse me? Don't remember speaking of this, Megatronus.

Shaking her helm slightly, she meets the area where optics would normally be with her mask optics, and simply nods, him returning a slight one in return before turning and resuming his work.

"Come Longshot, we still have much to do."

Following Megatron, he leads her to a hallway and brings her to a door. "Your quarters, for the time being. Soundwave is three down and Knockout, the medic, is next to yours."
She nods, and enters the room, examining it. It was a fairly decent room, well sized, large berth, and what seemed to be the entry to a wash racks in the back. Before leaving her to her own, Megatron adds "I recommend leaving a passcode for the entry on your door." Before he leaves however, she remembers something very important to her.

"My weapons. Megatronus, I have none, the Autobots took them from me on Cybertron."

"Do not worry, we will take care of that shortly,"

Turning her back to him, she paces the room exploring more when he adds

"I am no longer Megatronus, I am Megatron."

Already laying in her new berth, she doesn't respond to him as he leaves, and starts drifting into a much needed recharge.

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