Chapter 29: First Court Date

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Wonwoo's p.o.v.

I can't believe this is actually happening.

When did my life become so complicated?

I sort of wish that no one found out about what my father has done. Mostly because then I wouldn't have to do this.

I'm currently sitting in the court house, waiting for us to be allowed to go into the courtroom. I'm by myself because the manager went somewhere, probably to make sure none of this ends up in the media, and Mingyu had to stay back to practice choreography and stuff like that.

I really wish he could be with me but our manager said that it's to close to our comeback to have him miss practice. I have no choice but to miss it.

We still have about a week and half until our comeback and we still need to actually record the music video so I can see why our manager doesn't want us to miss practice time if we don't have to miss it.

We already did our photoshoot for the album and apperntly they want to start changing people's hair colours. Well, beside the few people who have already changed, like Jeonghan and Minghao. Though I don't know if Jeonghan's staying blonde or if they'll dye it again.

Mingyu said he'll be going to the salon today but we don't know if they're just planning of cutting his hair or colouring it too. I guess I'll see it when I get home.

"Wonwoo." The manager called, bringing me out of my thoughts. "It's time."

I stood up from the bench I had been sitting on followed the manager into the courtroom.

My lawyer was already there and so was my father. I looked towards him and he glared at me.

"Hello Wonwoo-sshi." My lawyer said as I sat beside him. "As I thought, you'll be on the stand first. You'll tell your story, then I'll ask you some questions, and then your father's lawyer will ask you questions."

I nodded.

"Just say exactly what you told me the day we met, okay?" He asked.

"I can do that." I said.


I sat nervously as we waited for the judge to arrive. The manager wasn't even allowed to sit with me, he had to sit in the seating behind me.

While we waited, my mother arrived.

I could tell that I first she didn't know which side she should sit on. Should she support her husband or her son.

In the end she choose me and sat beside the manager.

I faced forwards again and smiled to myself, happy to see my mother wasn't upset with me for ruining her happy marriage.

Eventually the judge arrived and everything started. I went and told my story and then my lawyer started asking me questions.

"You said that this happened everytime you're mother wasn't home." He started and I nodded, agreeing with what he was saying. "How many times a month would you say that was?"

"I've never really thought about it." I said and start thinking. "Every week night, unless he was working late, which was rare, and one Saturday every month when she'd go out for goercies. At least that."

"At least?" The lawyer asked.

"There'd be the odd Sunday's she'd go out with friends and stuff." I explained.

"You're saying that it's quite possible that there has been a week where it happened every day."

I shrugged. "Yeah, it's probably happened. I try my best to not really remember a lot of details about it all."

Debut has changed us. (Seventeen Meanie)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें