Chapter 25: Calming Nerves

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Mingyu's p.o.v.

That night turned out better then I expected.

We decided to cuddle and watch movies.

The movie we deicded to watch was pretty boring so I started stealing kisses every so often.

At first, Wonwoo was annoyed by it, telling me to stop and watch the movie, but eventually, he kissed me and things took off from there.

No, we didn't go all the way but we made progress in our sexual relationship and I'm happy about that. Wonwoo is slowly getting over his fears.

I'm worried though.

The past few days Wonwoo has been acting differently and I know it's because of the fact we're going back to his home and he'll see if father for an extended period of time.

We'll be leaving tomorrow to start visiting member's families and in a few days we'll be at Wonwoo home.

I want to be able to calm him down and make him not so nervous but I can't find a way anymore. He's thought out almost every way this could go wrong and I don't know how to change his thoughts.

No matter how many times I tell him that S.coups, Jeonghan, and I will be there to protect him, he still says that it's use and that his dad will find a way to get to him.

It's honestly making me nervous because what if something does happen. I know Wonwoo would forgive me but I don't know if I could forgive myself.

I'm making all these promises to Wonwoo about protecting him and I have full intentions of keeping them. Just, what if something happens and I don't realize? What if I fail to keep the promises without even noticing?

I don't think I could forgive myself.

Wonwoo has made so much progress trying to get over what has happened to him and that can all be gone in 2 seconds if I don't keep my promises.

I just don't want Wonwoo sad again.

It would break my heart to see him go back to how he was when we first debuted. So much has changed since the day we told the members and although it may have seemed bad at first. I think the outcome is beautiful.

It can all change again if I don't be careful.

I need to watch Mr. Jeon like a hawk.

"What are you thinking about?"

The bed moved and Wonwoo sat behind me.

"Don't tell me nothing because I won't believe it." Wonwoo warned and hugged me from behind. "What's wrong babe?"

"Just thinking." I said and turned back to look at him, giving him a small smile. "Don't worry about it."

Wonwoo sighed. "You're worried about me, aren't you?"

"A bit." I muttered.

"I know I've been distant and I'm sorry." Wonwoo started. "I've been worried and nervous and I didn't want to worry you again but it seems like I did anyway."

"If you're worring about things please come talk to me Wonwoo." I said and laid my head back onto his shoulder. "I hate it when you get distant because it makes me feel like you might not trust me enough with what's bothering you."

"Mingyu, of course I trust you but you already know what's bothering me and again, I didn't want to worry you." Wonwoo said. "I'm sorry. I'll make sure to talk to you next time."

"Do you want to talk about it now?" I asked, looking at Wonwoo and watching his expression change.

"No, not now." Wonwoo said and let go of me. "Maybe later."

He laid back on the bed and I laid back too.

It was silent for a few minutes.

"Mingyu." Wonwoo called.

I just hummed in response.

"Promise me something." Wonwoo said. "If something does happen-"

"It won't." I cut him off.

"Just say the odd chance something does happen." Wonwoo said. "Please don't blame yourself."

"Why would I blame myself." I said and laughed to try and show how absurd the idea was but it just came out sounding nervous instead.

"You made all those promises to me and I don't want you to think you broke them or something." Wonwoo said, knowing everything I was thinking about just minutes before. "Plus I know you have a tendency to blame yourself for things and please don't."

"Wonwoo hyung, I'm not going to let anything happen to you." I said snuggled into his side.

"I know that but you can't stand by my side the entire time we're there." Wonwoo said. "If something does happened, it won't be your fault. I know you would have tried everything to protect me but sometimes things just happen."

Just as I thought. Wonwoo will forgive me if something does happens.

"Will you promise me?" Wonwoo asked again. "Promise you won't blame yourself?"

"Yes, I promise." I said but not totally meaning it.

"Say it." Wonwoo said in a stern voice. "Say all the words."

I sighed. "I promise I won't blame myself."

"Now, you wouldn't break that promise right?" Wonwoo asked. "I might not forgive you if you break this one promise."

"I'll try hyung." I said. "I'll try really hard but I honestly don't think I can keep this promise."

"Well, as long as you do try. Just like all the other promises." Wonwoo said and kissed the top of my head. "Trying is all that counts."

"Then can you promise to try and not worry and be nervous?" I asked, knowing it was a big thing to ask.

Wonwoo sighed and it was silent for to long so I thought I wouldn't get an answer.

"I promise." Wonwoo finally said. "I promise I'll try but I'm at 100% sure that I will be completely worry free."

"Just like I won't be completely guilt free." I said.

"Fair enough."

It was silent for a bit. The two of us just laying there, enjoying each other's warmth.

"We need to go into Pledis." Wonwoo remembered me. "We need to finish lyrics."

"I know." I said but didn't move at all. "Let's just stay here for a little while longer."

"Okay but S.coups and Vernon already left. That's why I came in here, to get you." Wonwoo informed me. "We should go soon before Coups hyung gets mad."

I sighed. "I don't want too."

"I don't really either." Wonwoo agreed. "We need to though. Woozi will freak if we don't have the lyrics done before we leave."

"We can always write them while we're away." I said.

"Yeah, but I think it would make him feel better if they were done." Wonwoo said. "You know?"

"Yeah, you're right." I sat and sat up. "We should go."

I was about to stand up from the bed but Wonwoo put his hand on top of the one I had resting on the bed. I turned to look at him and he gave me a kiss.

"I love you." Wonwoo said. "Please don't worry about me."

"I love you too." I said back. "Please don't worry about your dad. S.coups and I can take him."

Wonwoo laughed at this.

"Come on babe." He said, standing and taking ahold of my hand. "Let's go."

Maybe I shouldn't be so worried after all.

You should be worried Mingyu.

I managed to get this done really quickly so that's great. What I'm thinking of doing is just writing the rest of this story now and the just uploading it when the time comes.

That also means I can start Rejected Squad sooner.

Hope you all enjoy this story!

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