Chapter 8: Busy Schedule and Lack of Food

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Mingyu's p.o.v.

We've been promoting for a few days now and it's been quite busy.

Wonwoo has kept his promise, sort of.

We still stay together and talk and everything, but he seems a bit distant.

I'm getting a bit nervous so I've decided to talk with him about it today, seeing as we have the day off.

I was currently sitting in the living room, waiting for Wonwoo to wake up.

"Can't I just go wake him up?" I asked.

"No! Let him sleep." S.coups said.

I tried to wake up him eralier, but S.coups stopped me.

"We've been very busy." S.coups said while walking over to me and sitting beside me. "We all need rest, including you. Go sleep."

"I can't!" I said frustrated.

It was around a quarter after 8 in the morning, but as much as I wanted to stay sleeping, I just couldn't.

To many thoughts about Wonwoo roamed my head.

"Shouldn't you still be sleeping?" I asked. Using S.coups words against him.

"I had to meet up with our manager. I would like to go back to bed, but you're still awake." S.coups said.

"Oh..." I said feeling bad for keeping him up. "Sorry hyung."

"It's nothing." He said. "Now, what's bothering you?"

"It's nothing." I said standing. "Let's just go back to bed now."

I went to leave, but S.coups grabbed me wrist.

"Oh no!" He said. "If your awake, it's for a reason, and nether one of us is going back to bed until I now what it is!"

"Ag! Fine!" I said flopping back down on the couch.

"So?" S.coups said after a minute.

"It's just Wonwoo hyung..." I said after a few seconds.

"What's wrong with Wonwoo?" S.coups asked.

"He just seems, distance..." I said. "Like, he spaces out a lot more then usual and doesn't talk much."

"I think Wonwoo is going through a lot right now and needs some time to think, alone." S.coups said. "He also needs to have a talk with Joshua. Now that we've debuted, we can have members being angry with each other in front of fans. You should probably talk to him about having a talk with Joshua. Heck, you might want to have a talk with Joshua yourself."

"Yeah, I guess you're right." I said sighing. "I think I'll talk with Joshua today and then after that I'll talk with Wonwoo about talking with Joshua."

"Good." S.coups said, nodding. "Now let's go sleep."

"Alright." I said standing up from the couch. "Thanks hyung."

"It's no problem." He said. "I'm your appa, that's what I'm here for."

We both laughed at what he said and then entered our room.

*time skip*
A few hours later

I wake up and the bedroom is empty, besides me of course.

I slowly get out of bed and make my way to the kitchen to get breakfast.

On my way I pass S.coups.

"Seems you slept well." He said as I pass.

I just hummed in response.

Debut has changed us. (Seventeen Meanie)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt