Chapter 27: Police and Lawyers

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Wonwoo's p.o.v.

By the time the police showed up many things had happened.

1. My father was pasted out on my bedroom floor, thanks to Mingyu.

2. Beside Mingyu and S.coups, all the other members were back on our bus.

3. The manager had made many phone calls, none of them sounding like good ones.

4. My mother has refused to leave her room.

I understand why my mother would not want to come out.

She just learn that her husband has been sexually abusing her son for many years.

Yes, I told her that this wasn't the first time. Mingyu promised it'd be the last.

Mingyu seems very angry and I'm not sure why. Well, I obviously I know why. It's just a question of if he's just pissed off at the situation or if he's blaming himself for it and is mostly angry at himself, rather then the situation.

"Mingyu." I called. "Come sit."

"I don't want to sit right now." Mingyu said.

I sighed. "You're keeping your promise right? I kept mine."

I heard Mingyu sighed and saw, out of the corner of my eye, that he finally stopped pacing.

"He didn't actually do anything." I said as Mingyu came to sit beside me. "You stopped him."

"I guess your right." Mingyu said as he sat down. "Nothing at all should have happened."

"It's fine." I said even thought it obviously wasn't. "It'll all be okay. The police are here."

Mingyu just nodded.

"Do you think he'll go to jail?" I asked after a few moments of silence.

"This isn't the first time something happened, right?" A police officer a few feet away from us asked.

I nodded. "Stuff like this happened all the time when I was younger and still lived at home."

"If you can prove that then he'll definitely go to jail." He said.

"How do I prove it?" I asked.

"Unless your father admits to everything that said happened over the years, which I highly doubt, you'll need a lawyer."

"A lawyer?" I said, mostly to myself, wondering where I'd get one.

"I'm sure our manager will take care of it." Mingyu said.

"That's right." The police officer spoke again. "You kids are idols."

Both Mingyu and I nodded.

"We were told before we got here that everything had to be kept very hushed." He told us. "Luckily your father was still passed out so that wasn't much of an issue."

Again, Mingyu and I just nodded.

The police officer went to talk with the who was talking to S.coups. I turned to Mingyu.

"You know you didn't have to knock him out." I said.

"We would have ran away." Mingyu said. "It had to be done."

I sighed and laid my head on Mingyu's shoulder. "Please stop being so angry. I don't like it."

"I can't help it." He said. "I want him dead."

"I know but I don't so stop." I told him.

"What do you mean you don't?" Mingyu asked in an annoyed tone.

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