Chapter 6: Depressed

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Wonwoo's p.o.v.

I'm scared, so scared.

I couldn't tell Mingyu what happened in my past. He would think I was weak, useless, and pathetic.

Just like everyone else.

"It's seems you've calmed down." Mingyu said.

No I haven't. I just can't show you how weak and pathetic I am.

"I'll go get us some food." He said picking me up and then placing me back on my bed.

No! Don't go!

I so badly wanted to yell at him to stay, but my voice was gone. No matter how loudly I wanted to scream, it won't let me.

It wants me to stay alone, cry by myself, and let it completely take control.

I need to take control. I can't let it take control again.

I'm doing a pretty good job, as far as I think. I've stopped my crying, but I still can't talk. Even when S.coups was here talking I couldn't say anything, no matter how badly I wanted to.

"Here we go." Mingyu said as he came back with two plates of food.

I sat up and took the plate of food he handed to me and started eatting it.

"I thought I would have to force you to eat." Mingyu said well laughing a bit.

I just looked at him before continuing to eat.

I'll eat, for now. I'll eat more then I should.

That's what I do. I'll eat as a comfort, but give me a week or so, and then I'll stop.

It's happened so much that I know exactly what will happen, and how it will happen, but I just can't seem to stop it.

At some point I'll go to doctor but that's only when members start worrying about me. No need to go sooner.

After a few minutes, we both were finished. Mingyu took my plate.

"I'll take these to the kitchen." Mingyu said, but I stopped him before he could leave.

I layed on the bed and wrapped me arms around his waist.

"Hyung, what are you doing?" Mingyu asked as he looked at me.

"D-don't leave me, p-please." I said quietly as my voice cracked.

"I'll only be a few minutes." He said.

I didn't answer. It wouldn't let me. I had already made it mad.

"Alright. I'll stay with you until you fall alseep." He said.

We both got up and moved in a more comfortable position.

Mingyu layed down and I layed my head on his chest.

I could hear his heart beat. It was calming. It did take long for me to fall alseep. I was already tried from all my crying.

Mingyu's p.o.v.

Once Wonwoo had fallen asleep, I slowly got up and layed his head on his pillow. Then I quietly left the room.

I made my way to the living room, where I found almost everybody. Of course, Joshua was missing. Good thing, I would have beat him if he were here.

"How's he doing?" Jeonghan asked as soon as he saw me walk in.

"I don't know, honestly." I sighed and sat down, leaning my head on S.coups's legs. "He barely said a word to me. He's alseep now."

"What did he say?" S.coups asked.

I leaned my head at and looked up at him. "He just said that he didn't want me to leave when I said had to take the plates out." I sighed. "I left the plates in the bedroom."

"Don't worry about that." S.coups said while patting my shoulder. "Dino will you go get them?"

"Why me?" Dino wined

"Because your our maknae, that's why." Seungkwan said with sass.

"Fiiinnnneeeee." Dino wined as he got up and made his way to the bedroom.

I closed my eyes, still with my head on S.coups's head, and slowly started to drift into sleep. Although, I was soon woken up.

"Hyung! Come quick!" Dino yelled as he ran up to me.

"What is it? What's wrong?" I asked, still kind of half alseep.

"It's Wonwoo hyung! I think he's having a nightmare or something."

Dino didn't finish his sentence before I started running to the bedroom.

Wonwoo's p.o.v.

*In dreamland*

I was just laying on my bed. It was Friday after school, I had homework but to lazy to do it. I'll just do it over the weekend.

I was playing on my phone when my dad came in. I was nervous because my dad didn't like me being gay and always said mean things to me. He had hit me a few times but that was only when I talked back.

He sat on the edge of my bed. "What are you doing?" He asked in a normal tone. That was unusual for him.

"Nothing. I'm going to do my homework tomorrow." I said wondering if he would get mad at me for saying that.

"Good." He says in a creepy way.

I was so confused.

My dad quickly put his legs on either side of me and sat on my hips.

He then ripped, yes ripped, my shirt right down the front. Good thing I didn't care about this shirt.

Then he kissed me.

I was so confused.

He continued to kiss me as his hands roamed my milkly white stomach.

Coming to my senses, I pushed my dad off me.

"S-stop." I said my voice shaking. "D-don't do this."

He slapped me. "Shut up boy! If you're gay, you'll like this."

There was nothing I could do. I just layed there as my father defiled me and took away my innocence.

As he continued I screamed and cried. Not like it would help. My mom was at work, and I didn't have any siblings.

He continued and I just cried. Hoping someone who help me, but knowing no one would.


I sat straight sat.

My breathing was heavy, I was sweating all over, and I was crying.

"Hyung." I saw Mingyu as he hugged me.

I hugged him back and cried on his shoulder.

"I was 14 for god's sake! I was still a child!" I screamed into Mingyu's shoulder as I burst into tears.

"What is wrong? What did you dream about?" Mingyu asked.

I just shook my head and continued to cry. I couldn't tell Mingyu.

Not yet anyway.

Longer chapter then normal.

The updating is going to be a little weird right now cause I need to post important chapters at the same time. (I.e. the debut showcase)

Hope you all enjoy this story!

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