Chapter 13: A Talk About The Past

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(⬆I finally found that in a gif and I'm so freaking happy!)

*Still three days after the crash*

Wonwoo's p.o.v.

After I finished at the doctor's, Mingyu and I headed back to the dorm.

When we came back S.coups and Jeoghan had already left for there date.

We walked through the living room, where The8, Seungkwan, and Vernon were playing video games with Jun watching them, and headed to our bedroom.

When we came in I flopped down on my bed and Mingyu laid down beside me.

"How are you feeling?" Mingyu asked.

"Alright." I answered. "Nervous about what my mom will think when she hears. She'll know something happened and I don't want to tell her."

"You should." Mingyu said. "She's your mom. Does she know about your past?"

"Not all of it." I said. "Just the part I wanted to tell her. Which wasn't actually much."

I took Migyu's left hand and intertwined our fingers.

I looked at Mingyu's hand and noticed something was missing.

"Where's your ring?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" Mingyu questioned and pulled hand away to look at it.

"You took it off?" I asked and felt tears in my eyes.

"No." Mingyu said. "At least, I don't remember taking it off."

"So you lost it?!" I yelled at Mingyu, getting angry.

"No!" Mingyu said. "Well, I guess."

I stood up and started to leave the room.

"I can find it!!" Mingyu yelled as he followed me into the hallway.

Mingyu kept begging to me as we walked though the hallway.

I snap when we reached the living room.

"I so done with you!" I yelled at Mingyu.

Mingyu stops begging and stares at me.

"How could lose something with that much importance!" I yelled. "You don't realize what it meant to me when you got us those rings and now you go and lose it like it's nothing!"

"I didn't realize that it fell off!" Mingyu pleaded. "I'm sorry!"

"How could you not realize?!" I yelled.

"I don't know!" Mingyu yelled. "I'm sorry!"

"Sorry isn't good enough!"

"Would all of you shut up and stop acting like children!"

I looked over and saw S.coups standing in the middle of the living room.

I just noticed now that The8 was crying and it looked like Seungkwan and Vernon had been fighting.

Nobody said anything and we just stood there and stared at each other.

Then Jeonghan came in and gave The8 a glass of water and a pill, probably pain killers.

Then he started yelling at Seungkwan and Vernon about how they need to be careful around The8.

Then he turned to Mingyu and me.

"Now you two, I have no clue why you are yelling at each other, but unless Mingyu cheated on you Wonwoo, you should not be yelling at him like that." He said to us.

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