Chapter 28: More Pills

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Mingyu's p.o.v.

I don't care what Wonwoo says. He is not okay, alright, or fine.

He doesn't think I know that he breaks down everytime he's alone but I do.

I know his mother hasn't been returning his calls and I know he's stressed about the trail.

Yes, there's a trail.

Wonwoo's father admitted to what happened that night but says that it's the first and only time he tried to do anything to Wonwoo.

Of course no one believes that, expect maybe his lawyer. Wonwoo's lawyer definitely doesn't believe that. Of course Wonwoo's lawyer believes what Wonwoo says, which is the truth so everyone should believe it.

I'm so nervous about Wonwoo. I keep trying to get him to talk to me but everytime he just tells me nothing is wrong. I don't know why he doesn't trust me.

I've talked with S.coups and he's tried talking to Wonwoo, so has Jeonghan, but he won't talk to anyone. He always just says he's okay, alright, or fine but he's not any of those things.

I should try talking to him again.

I walked to our bedroom, now that we're back at our dorm, and found Wonwoo was finishing unpacking his bag. We just came back for the last members home.

"Hey babe." I said as I walked in.

"Oh, hey." Wonwoo said as he noticed it was me.

"How are you doing?" I asked as I stopped at the end of the bed near Wonwoo.

"I'm fine." He said and grabbed the last of his clothes out of the bag. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"Are you sure?" I asked. "What happened hasn't been easy and-"

"I'm fine." Wonwoo said in a stern voice, his back now to me as he put clothes in the dresser. "Stop pestering me about it."

"Hyung, I know you want to be strong but I know you're not fine." I said.

"I'm fine!" Wonwoo yelled and turned to face me.

Tears began running down Wonwoo's face.

"I'm perfectly fine." He said and turned back around.

I saw him wipe the tears from his face.

"Talk to me." I said and walked close to him.

"P-please, just leave me alone." Wonwoo said and wiped more tears off his face.

"Why won't you let me help you?" I asked. "Just talk to me, please!"

"I'm scared okay?!" Wonwoo yelled and turned back around to face me. "I'm scared you'll touch me or hold me and I won't be able to handle it!"

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"We haven't been all that close since it happened." Wonwoo said. "Being at the members houses, we had to stay hidden and that meant we couldn't touch or kiss each other. I'm nervous that after what happened, I'll get to nervous when you do touch me. I don't want what happened the night we made out to happen again."

"I'm sure it won't." I said, slowly walking towards Wonwoo.

"How can you be sure?" He whispered as I stood right in front of him.

"Just trust me." I said and wrapped my arm around my boyfriend. "I'm not your father."

Wonwoo wrapped his arms around me and buried his face in my shoulder, sobbing.

"It's okay." I said and rubbed his back. "We'll get through this."

I continued to whisper calming things in Wonwoo's ear for a few minutes before he finally calmed down.

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