Chapter 5: Locked in

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Mingyu's p.o.v.

I didn't like that idea of Wonwoo going to talk with Joshua, at least not alone. I shouldn't have let him go alone.

I know Joshua's a good person, but the fact that he is religious, makes me nervous.

After a minute or two, you could hear yelling coming from the kitchen. I immediately got up and started towards the kitchen.

On my way I noticed S.coups, Jeonghan, and a few other members follow behind me.

As I got close, I could here them.

"... your hyung! You freaking faggot!" I heard Joshua say.

I had made it to the kitchen just as Wonwoo's hand made contact with Joshua's face.

"Don't ever let me hear you use that word again, or else, Satan help me, I will beat the shit out you." Wonwoo said with a deep angry sounding tone.

Something must be wrong, Wonwoo would never say something like that.

Then Wonwoo turned around and started to push past us out of the kitchen. As he walked past I saw tears in his eyes and I immediately turned to go after him, but not long after heard a bang of a door being slammed.

I continued and noticed Joshua behind me. I gave him a death glare as he entered one of the other bedrooms.

I went to open the door to find it was locked.

"Wonwoo, just let me in." I said while knocking on the door.

I waited hoping he would open the door.

I looked down the hallway and saw Jeonghan enter and bedroom Joshua was in and closed the door behind him. A few second later I heard the muffed yells of Jeonghan.

"Wonwoo, please, let me in." I said trying to get him to open the door. "Come on. I know your upset. The members know! I can cuddle you and comfort you."

I sighed, unsure of what else to say.


I heard a click sound. Hoping it was Wonwoo unlocking the door, I turned the knob, and it opened.

As I opened the door, I saw Wonwoo standing there with his head hung low.

"Ohhhhhh. Come here." I said pulling him into a hug.

I second I did, Wonwoo started sobbing on to my chest.

"Hey, shhhhh, it's ok." I said trying to calm him down. "It's just a word. It means nothing, right?"

I felt Wonwoo shake his head against my chest. I sighed.

"It has meaning." I heard Wonwoo say a bit muffed, due to the fact his face still pressed against my chest. "It has memories."

I was going to ask what he meant but there was loud yelling from the other bedroom.

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!" A voice, that sounded like Jeonghan, yelled.

A few second later.


I'm not sure what happened to make Jeongha yell like that, but it made Wonwoo shake violently in my arms.

"What's wrong? Why are you shaking?" I asked.

"I don't like it..." He said quietly.

It was loud in the dorm and stuff but this is one of the few times it's been angry yelling. Wonwoo always seemed nervous and upset after it would happen, but he wouldn't tell anyone why and say he was fine. I always knew he wasn't fine.

"Why don't we go sit on the bed?" I suggested.

I felt Wonwoo nod his head.

We broke apart from our embrace, the right side of my shirt now wet from Wonwoo's tears, and made our way to his bed.

I sat down, at the head of the bed, making sure there was room beside me for Wonwoo to sit. Instead of sitting beside me, he sat on my lap, almost in a fetal position, and wrapped his arms around my body.

He reminded me of a small children, who wanted comfort after having a nightmare.

I felt more of Wonwoo's tear make the left side of my shirt wet.

"Do you want to talk to me about why you're so upset?" I asked as I wrapped me arms around Wonwoo's shaking body.

He shook his head and I sighed.

We sat quietly for a minute or two until someone knock on the door causing Wonwoo to jump.

"Shhh. It's okay." I said calming him. "Who is it?"

"It's Chan." Our little maknae said on the other side of the door.

I looked down at Wonwoo and he nodded his head.

"Come in." I said and the door open.

"Is everything ok?" Dino asked.

"I don't think so honestly." I said, because truth is, I didn't know, but Wonwoo did not seem ok.

"Can I get anything?" Dino asked.

"Could you get Coups hyung?" I asked.

"Sure." Dino said as turned to leave.

"Thank you Dino." I said before he left.

After a few minutes a light knock was heard and S.coups poked his head in the door.

"Oh dear." He said as he saw he the scene before him.

Wonwoo was still in my arms, crying softly.

Coups quickly came over and sat on the bed beside me.

"Why are you this upset?" S.coups asked Wonwoo.

He received no answer.

"He wouldn't tell me. All I know is something about that word upset him and he didn't like when Jeonghan hyung was yelling loudly at Joshua hyung." I explained.

"I see." Coups said.

Coups and I start talking about ideas on why Wonwoo is upset but Wonwoo still said nothing when we would ask him questions.

"Wonwoo, did you people bully you?" Coups asked.

Wonwoo said nothing.

We thought some more. I had an idea but I was really hoping it wasn't true.

"Hyung, did your parents not accept you?" I asked hoping Wonwoo wouldn't say anything and it would be false.

Wonwoo said nothing, but burst in tears again.

"Oh my god." S.coups said putting a head to his mouth.

So imma end this one here because I don't want the chapter to be to long. I think the length I'm doing is good.

Do you guys think the length is good, or should I make them longer?

S.coups x Jeonghan starts tomorrow!!

It may be a little longer in between the updates because I'm in school and I get a lot of homework. I apologise.

Hope you all enjoy the story!

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