Chapter 23: Telling Others

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Wonwoo's p.o.v.

I sat on Mingyu's lap, nervous about tell me hyungs this information.

"How much should I explain?" I asked, unsure if I should tell him everything.

"As much as you think will be enough for me to understand." S.coups said.

"Do you want me to go?" Jeonghan asked.

I shook my head. "No, stay."

Jeonghan nodded and everyone stayed silent, waiting for me to begin explaining.

I took a minute to get my thoughts together and decided what I would tell him and how I would explain it.

"Well, as you have probably already guessed, my father abused me after he learn I was gay." I began. "On top of the physical abuse he also sexually abursed me."

I could tell by their expression that they were shocked.

I pause for a moment before continuing.

"I'm afraid that when we go to my house that something will happen." I said. "Mingyu says he'll watch out for me and protect me but I know what my father's like and I feel that it's no use."

S.coups nodded with a sad expression on his face.

"I'm sure we'll figure something out." S.coups said. "We won't let anything happen to you Wonwoo."

"You should tell him about your dream." Mingyu said.

I knew exactly which one he was talking about and I really didn't want to tell anyone that, besides Mingyu of course, seeing as I already told him.

"I don't want to tell him." I said as I shook my head.

Mingyu sighed. "You should. It'll prove to you that is was all a nightmare, that it wasn't real, and that it won't happen."

I thought about what Mingyu was staying and I guess that he did have a point.

"Alright, I guess you're right." I said and saw S.coups give me a small smile.

"Whenever you're ready Wonwoo." Jeonghan said.

"It took place when we went back to my house." I started. "My father started doing this to me and I yelled for you guys. When you finally came you didn't do anything, you just stood there and..., and watched."

I pause because I didn't really want to continue.

"You can do it." Mingyu said while rubbing my arm. "Just like how you told me."

"I-I yelled for you to make to stop but no one who and..., a-and then you start l-laughing." I finished and I could tell was S.coups quite surpised.

"Why do you think something like that would happen?" S.coups asked, his expression still shocked.

"Wonwoo, was this the dream that kept you awake?" Jeonghan asked in a calm tone.

I simply nodded and Jeonghan sighed. He stood from the couch and walked to sit between S.coups and me, shoving him to the end of the couch.

I think Jeonghan knew he'd be better at handling this situation. Don't get me wrong, S.coups is a great leader but Jeonghan is more of a mom and better at the more sensitive problems.

"Wonwoo, you don't need to worry about something like that." Jeonghan said in his caring motherly tone. "Do you honestly think any one of the members would let something like that happen to you?"

I shook my head and Jeonghan gave me a small smile.

"See, there's nothing to worry about." Jeonghan said. "Why are you so worried about it if you know it won't actually happen?"

"I don't know to be honest." I said and stared at my hands. "I guess it's because I'm so worried that something, anything, will happen that my brain is letting me believe that the impossible might actually be possible."

Jeonghan nodded his head as if he understood but does he really? Does he actually realize that I thought the dream was real and when I realzied it wasn't, I thought it was something that would happen as easily as tripping?

Probably not and I'm not able to stay what I was thinking. I now know that it's not going to happen and that I was being irrational and stupid. I should try not to think to much about it anymore. It's not worth it.

"Hey, stop over thinking this." Mingyu said as he continued to rub my arm.

"I'm not." I said and Mingyu looked like he didn't believe me. "I'm really not. I was thinking that I should stop worrying about it because I know that it won't happen."

"Well that's a good thing." Mingyu said with small smile. "I'm glad you finally see it the way we do, the truth."

I nodded and laid my head on Mingyu's chest. We sat for a few minutes before I spoke again.

"Can we go back to bed?" I asked in a soft voice, due to the fact I was half asleep.

"Of course babe." Mingyu said and pick me up in his arms and we wake into our bedroom.

I didn't bother putting my arms around Mingyu's neck and just held onto the front of his shirt as he carried me.

Once we made it into the room he laid me onto the bed and laid beside me. I turned onto my left so I was on facing Mingyu and I wrapped my arms around his waist, pulling myself closer to him and tangling our legs together.

"Do you remember all the different times I've promised to protect you?" Mingyu asked while he played with my hair.

I didn't say anything and just nodded my head.

"I meant it every time I said it and I mean it now." Mingyu said. "I'll always take care of you and protect you Wonwoo hyung. I'll protect you from everything and everyone that will try to hurt you."

"What about you?" I asked in a quiet voice.

"What do you mean?" Mingyu questioned.

"If you're always protecting me, who's going to protect you?" I clarified my question.

"As much you may not want to hear it, you need someone to protect you." Mingyu said. "I don't. I can handle types of things like this better then you."

"Yeah, you're right." I said softly.

"Don't think you're some wimp or crybaby though." Mingyu said. "You're not. I think you're one of the strongest people I now. Strong people do break. It will happen. You spent years without telling anyone and kept it bottled up inside. You're truly a strong person hyung. I admire that."

"Thank you Mingyu." I said, turning my head so I voice wouldn't be muffled. "You always say such nice things to me. I wish once I would be able to say something as nice back."

"Just you telling me you love me is enough for me." Mingyu said and hugged me tightly.

"Alright then, I love you Mingyu, more then anything in the whole world." I said and stared up at him. "You're my everything and I'll be nothing without you."

"See, you can say nice this." Mingyu said while laughing a bit.

"Shut up." I mumbled as I put my head back on his chest.

"I love you too Wonwoo hyung." Mingyu said as he kissed the top of my head. "Now let's sleep some more. I'll wake you up in a little bit."

I nodded my head slowly against Mingyu's chest.

"Sleep well babe." Mingyu whisper as I fell asleep.

Sorry this took so long.

My exams and stuff are next week I've been busy studying and working on project and everything.

I will be able to update more once my summer starts.

Hope you all enjoy this story!

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