Chapter 7: The Debut Showcase

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Wonwoo's p.o.v.

It's been a week since everything happened. Mingyu's been good to me. He's almost always beside me. It gets annoying sometimes, but I know he means well by it.

I'm surprised that I haven't become as depressed as I feel I usually would be at this point. The one thing that has kept me from getting depressed is Mingyu.

When Mingyu isn't around, I can feel it's claws closing in on me. When Mingyu can't be with me, I try to keep myself around other members. I've talked with a couple of the members, Hoshi and Jun, about how I feel, and when Mingyu isn't around, they have agreed to stay with me.

I'm glad that the members have been supportive. They have been supportive of Mingyu and I, and Hoshi and Jun have been supportive of my depression.

It was very hard for me to tell them, but they said they were happy I did because they wanted to be able to help.

I still haven't told Mingyu though. I feel it will be ten times harder then telling Hoshi and Jun. Yes, Hoshi, Jun, and I are close, but I've always been the closest to Mingyu, and he's also my boyfriend. It would make that much more of an impact on me if he wasn't supportive.

I'm hoping it won't get bad enough that I have to tell him. Our debut showcase is today, so I'll probably be to busy after today to really think about it to much.

I was still in bed, half asleep, when someone started shaking me.

"Hyung~" Mingyu sang. "It's time to get up."

I groaned. "Five more minutes."

"No. You have to get up now." Mingyu said.

"Why now?" I asked.

"If you don't get up now, I won't give you a kiss." Mingyu said.

I laughed a bit before sitting up. "I'm up. Now kiss me."

Mingyu smirked before leaning in and pecking me on the lips.

"That's not a real kiss." I pouted.

"You haven't brushed your teeth or anything yet. Your breath probably stinks." Mingyu said, turning up his nose.

"Yah!" I said getting up to hit him, but he ran away giggling.

I sighed before leaving the room to go eat.

The rest of the day was fill with rehearsals and preparations for our live debut. The day was quite busy and finally, we had a chance to sit down. We were getting our hair and makeup done. The members of the hip hop unit were currently getting their hair and makeup done.

"This is it." Mingyu said.

"Yup. After today, we won't be trainees anymore." I said.

"You still remember what I said a few weeks back, right?" Mingyu asked.

*Three weeks ago*

"It just that... after we debut, it will be hard for us to be a couple. We'll be busy with schedules and practices. I feel like we will drift apart because we can't be like a normal couple." Mingyu said while looking at his hands while he played with his fingers.

*Back to present*

"Yeah, I do remember." I said. "I won't let that happen. Ok? I promise."

"You do?" Mingyu asked.

My stylist finished and I turn to whisper to Mingyu. "I'll always love you, so yes, I promise, I'll never drift apart from you."

Mingyu smiled at me. "Thank you."

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