Chapter 4: Telling the Members

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(Fyi, there are two bad words. I didn't want to use one but ya know...)

Wonwoo's p.o.v.

Practice was over and everyone was tried. I looked at the clock to see it was 4pm. We'll get back by 4:30 so that will be enough time before dinner.

"Guys! Listen up!" I heard S.coups yell over everyone talking. "When we get back, everyone meet in the living room. There's something we need to talk about."

I could see everyone with confused faces. I looked over at Mingyu, who was talking with Dk, and he smiled at me.

This was it. One week before debut, and the day we tell the members about our relationship. I was quite nervous and I could tell Mingyu was too.

*20 minutes later*

We all finally made it back to the dorm. Everyone was seated around the living room. Some members on couchs, some sitting on the floor, and some members sitting or laying on top of other members. Interesting, but that is kind of what happens when you try to get 13 people in a small living room.

Finally S.coups spoke. "So everyone, Wonwoo would like to talk to everyone."

Mingyu and I had decided I would do most, if not all, of the talking seeing as when he told S.coups, he kind of sped talked.

"Ah, ne. There is something important I need to tell you all. Something I think is important for you all to know." I started.

"What's wrong? Are you sick?" Hoshi asked. I had been closer to Hoshi then some of the other members so I wasn't surprised by his concern.

"No, I'm not sick. It actually, it's something about both Mingyu and I." I said.

"You're both sick." Dk said joking around, like he does.

"Could you not?" I asked.

"Sorry." Dk said and bowed his head towards me.

"Anyway, what I was going to say was, that Mingyu and I..., are in a relationship, and have been for over a year now." I said.

I could see everyone, but S.coups, with very confused looks on there faces.

"For real?" Hoshi asked.

"For real." Mingyu finally said something.

"Wait, so in a relationship as in dating and kissing and that stuff." Dino asked. He is such an innocent little manke.

"Ne, what other type of relationship would it be?" I asked.

"I don't know." Dino said and I sighed.

As I was looking around I noticed one face that wasn't confused.

"Minghao, you okay?" I asked. He looked spaced out and that made me nervous.

"Yeah. It's not a surprise to me." Everyone looked at him questionably. "I already knew you too where in a relationship."

Mingyu choked on his water. "How did you know?" He asked after he had finished coughing.

"I saw you two in the hallway last week." The8 said point blank.

"Why didn't you say anything?" I ask.

"It wasn't my place to say anything. I'm never say anything." He said.

"Never say anything? Have you seen other things?" S.coups asked him.

"I've seen other people kiss." He said.

"WHO?!?!" Many people in the room yelled.

"I shouldn't say." He said quietly.

"Whisper it to me." S.coups said getting up and moving closer to The8.

The8 whispered something to S.coups.

"Really?!" S.coups said afterwards.

"Only once." The8 said holding up one finger.

"Anyway," I heard Jeonghan say. "Seeing as you you too are dating... kiss each other!"

"Hyung... what about our poor maknae's eyes?" I said.

Before Jeonghan could answer, my face turned and something on my lips. Knowing it was Mingyu I closed me eyes and kissed him back. After a few second, we broke apart.

I heard clapping. I turned and saw Jeonghan clapping. Seeing the members, knowing they just watched us kiss, made me very embarrassed. I felt me face burn up.

"Awww, you're so cute hyung." I heard Mingyu said.

"I will kill you in your sleep." I say hiding my face.

Just then I heard movement and I looked up to see Joshua leaving the room, towards the kitchen.

"Where are you going?" Jeonghan asked him.

"Getting a drink." Joshua said, but he sounded angry.

I was afraid something like this would happen. Everyone knew Joshua was religious so he probably didn't like the idea of some of the members being gay.

I turn to Mingyu. "I'll go talk to him."

"You sure?" He asked. "I can go."

"We're closer in age so it will be better if I go." I said.

"Alright." Mingyu said.

I got up and made my way to the kitchen.

"Hey." I said when I got there.

I saw Joshua leaning against the counter. He didn't say anything.

"So..., you okay?" I asked hoping he would say something.

"How can I be ok when I just learned I've been living with gay people for more then 3 years?" Joshua snapped at me.

"Well, everyone else is ok with. Why is so much different for you?" I said, raising my voice due to anger.

"It's different because I'm religious." He said.

"Oh I see. You're one of those religious people who believe gay people worship Satan and are going to rot in hell!" I yelled at Joshua. "Well guess what?! We aren't!"

(Swear words up aahead! Innocent ones look away!)

"Stop yelling at at me! I'm your hyung! You freaking faggot!"


I didn't mean to, but I slapped Joshua across the face.

"Don't ever let me hear you use that word again, or else, Satan help me, I will beat the shit out you." I have no clue why I said that, but I was upset.

Hearing that word brought back unwanted memories.

Yay another chapter!

So now we know one of the things The8 saw, but who else did he see kiss? You'll know eventually.

Justing saying, I know Joshua wouldn't act like this, but right now he does, and he won't act like this forever. Okay?

I start school tomorrow. My first year of highschool. (Which is grade 10 where I live.) I don't wanna.

Hope you all enjoy this story!

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