Lost [Available]

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"Squiggles!! Buddy, come on, we gotta go!" I tugged at my Yorkshire Terrier. He was sniffing at something along the walls. 

"Aarf, aarf!!" he suddenly barked.

"Squiggy, buddy, what's wrong?" I asked.

"Aarf!" he barked in a direction, tugging at the leash. I rolled my eyes and complied with him, allowing him to drag me along.

"Buddy, look, I don't know if you saw something, but I really have to go home to catch up on my missed episode of Friends!!" I complained.

"Ruff!" Squiggles turned to me, as if scolding me about my laziness.

"Ugh, fine." I sighed in defeat. 

"Aarf, aarf!" he suddenly started to run forwards, yanking the leash out of my hands. In a frenzy, I panicked, running after him.

"Squiggles, come on! Come here buddy!" I yelled. He quickly turned a corner, and I ran after him. When I reached him, I saw him with another dog. 

"Squiggles, who do we have here?" I questioned, bending down to pet the other dog. I immediately saw his collar, and looked at his name tag. 

"Tucker, huh? Are you lost?" I rubbed his head. Taking a picture of the address on his name tag, I picked him up in my arms. I made sure that I had Squiggles on his leash, and started to find Tucker's house.

"I'm going to help you find your owners" I said to Tucker. He started to wave his feet around, and I sighed, putting him on the ground.

"Fine, you can walk by yourself, but you have to follow me." I told him sternly. Tucker wagged his tail and started to walk alongside me.

I sighed and started to look at the plates on the houses.

"145...146...147... almost there...148...149...150...151!! Here we are. Tucker, do you recognize this house?" I turned down to look, finding Tucker already at the door, wagging his tail and jumping around. 

"Guess this is it, huh?" I turned to Squiggles. I walked over to the door and rang the bell.

"COMING!" I hear from inside the house, followed by footsteps. The door opened and a boy about my age appeared. Tucker immediately jumped up and pawed at the boy's legs.

"Oh my god, Tucky!!" he grinned, bending down to hug Tucker. 

"I missed you! Now don't go off running around outside again." he scolded him. From behind him, an older woman appeared, who I assume is his mother. 

"Jackson, who have we got here?" she said, cleaning her hands on a towel. Tucker, upon hearing her voice, quickly ran towards her.

"Tucker!" she squealed, dropping her towel on the floor, bending down to pick Tucker up.

"Uh... that's sweet, but I've really got to go." I piped up from the doorway.

"Oh, you really shouldn't. You brought Tucker back, you should come in for a while." she said.

"Uh.. I really don't know." I said. /

"No, no. I insist." the boy said. 

I glanced at his happy smile and sighed. "Fine. But only for a little while."

"So, uh.. what's your name?" he asked, as I followed behind me.

"Riley, and this is Squiggles." I replied. 

"Squiggles, huh? That's an adorable name. I'm Jackson, by the way, if you didn't already know." he grinned at me. 

I followed him to his kitchen, and he turned to me, "Want anything to drink?" 

"Water will be fine, thanks." I answered.

"So uh...where did you find Tucker?" he asked, sitting down on a stool and sliding the glass of water over to me.

I proceeded to sit down and took a drink. "Actually, Squiggles found him. He ran off when I was out on a walk with him, so I ran after him only to find him with Tucker. I saw the tag, and decided to bring him home. How did Tucker get lost anyways?"

"Uh, some relatives came over and they left the backyard gate open. Tucker must have saw something that caught his eye, so he ran out and got lost." he answered.

I nodded and took a drink of the water. Squiggles pawed at my feet and I looked down at him. 

"Wassup, buddy?" I asked. He wagged his tail and tugged at the leash.

"You wanna go play with Tucker?" I asked, and he wagged his tail.

"Alright. But only for a while." I sighed, leaning down to detach the leash. Squiggles quickly ran off in search of Tucker, wagging his tail. 

"So... are you new here? I haven't seen you around." I motioned towards Jackson.

"Yeah, I just moved here about 3 weeks ago." he nodded.

"That explains it. I'm guessing you'll be going to Riverside High School?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'll be in Sophomore Year." he answered.

"Cool, I'm a Sophomore too. Maybe I'll see you around campus." I grinned.

"Yeah, I have a feeling we'll be good friends." he grinned back.

"Well, I really have to go now, it's getting dark and my parents might be worried." I stood up.

"Why don't I drive you back to your place? It's really not safe walking out by your own at this time." he offered.

"I really don't want to trouble you." I bit my lip.

"It's fine, besides it's part of me thanking you for finding Tucker." he smiled.

"Alright." I agreed. I called for Squiggles, and picked him up.


"Thanks for the ride." I climbed out of the car.

"No problem." he answered. 

I was just about to close the door when he called out. "Wait!" 

"Yeah?" I turned around. 

"Can I have your number? I was thinking maybe we could hang out before school starts and get to know each other better." he fiddled with his fingers.

"Sure, I can give you a tour around town." I smiled, exchanging phones with him. After we had each other's numbers, and said our goodbyes, I closed the door and headed over to my house. Opening the door, I come face to a dark house. Turning on the lights, I found out that no one was home, so I headed to the kitchen to look for a note.

Went to a party at a friend's house. We'll be back late, so don't wait up. 



I sighed and threw the note into the garbage can, before walking up the stairs to my own room, with Squiggles following me. I quickly took a bath, and then went to bed.



So this is where I end!!! I'm thinking that the next day, Jackson would text her, with an attached picture of Tucker, saying something like: "Tucker thanks you for bring him back to his lovely home!" and they will start to chat. Then, Riley would show Tucker around the town, telling him what was the best place to get pizza blah blah blah. Then school would start and Riley and Jackson would kinda be in like different social groups but they would still secretly text each other outside of school. (I can't think of anymore)


Hope you like it!

hazzababygurl xx

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