Opposites Attract [Available]

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I'm Melissa Loveless, and I HATE One Direction. Why? Because they are childish, arrogant, and have no standards. But mostly, it's the fans. Or DIRECTIONERS, as they call themselves. Ughh.. Just thinking about it, gives me goosebumps all over. These directioners are just completely out of control. Screaming and constantly talking about One Direction in the hallways everyday at school. I can literally hear their echoes even when I go home. But I like to keep all this to myself. And that's because my best friend, Joanna Collins, is a huge fan of One Direction. But when Joanna drags me to a One Direction concert, with backstage passes, unexpected relationships are formed. I guess, opposites REALLY do attract.


*Chapter 1: Joanna is Killing Me*

"Hey Lissa." Joanna came up to my lockers with a huge grin on her face.

"Hey..." I replied cautiously. Hm... Something was up.

"You look lovely today. That shirt looks incredible on you, really brings out the color of your eyes. And oh! Those jeans! I love them, really comfy, eh?" she smiled.

"Anna, I'm wearing a blue tshirt, and I have brown eyes." I raised my eyebrows.

"Oh, well. I guess it's just you! You're so pretty that you can pull off a blue shirt!" she replied.

"Okay. Stop with the flattering. What do you want?" I sighed.

"Promise you won't scream and get mad at me?" she looked at the ground.

"Just tell me, Anna." I rolled my eyes.

"Um.... I got... two tickets for the... OneDirectionconcertandcouldyoupleaseeeegowithme?" she rambled.

"YOU WHAT?!" I screamed.

"Please? Early birthday present? I really want to go, and I don't want to go alone." she looked at me.

"You can go with your little sister then." I huffed.

"She's going to a sleepover." she replied.

"Fine.. BUT, I'm wearing whatever I want, and I'll just stand there. Do NOT expect me to scream or sing or anything else." I surrendered.

"YAY! Oh, and just to tell you, I got backstage passes, BYEEEEEE" she ran off.


"Seriously? A concert and BACKSTAGE PASSES?" I grumbled and slammed my locker shut.


(A/N) Ughh.. I hate my intro. It's so bad! I had it in my head, but it didn't come out right. Please help me edit it!

Sorry if this story irked you a bit! I didn't mean any of it, I swearrr. I love One Direction, and wouldn't say any of this. So please don't kill me!! :D

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