Baby Girl [Available]

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"NO, DADDY, NO!" I yell as I reach out to hold my Daddy's hand. I get shoved out of the room, as doctors and nurses rush in, yelling out orders. Tears poured down my face, and I watch as the door closes. I slump down to the floor, unable to see anything from my blurred vision.

"No..." I whisper. "NO!" I yell out. I sob uncontrollably. "This can't be true. This just can't be true. Wake up, Riley! Wake up! Why aren't you waking up? It's just a dream!" I think to myself, rocking back and forth on my feet. I feel a door open against my back, and I quickly look up to see a tired looking doctor. I scramble up, and my face drops as the doctor slowly shook his head. He opened to door more, and I saw a draped cloth over the bed where my dad was once lying on... just a few minutes ago. "No... no... no." I quickly shake my head, tears continuing to pour down my face. "I'm sorry." the doctor whispered. My mind spun, and I struggled to stand properly. "No..." I whisper again, before everything goes black.


I hear the annoying sound of a machine going of. I groaned and slowly opened my eyes, adjusting to the light. I blinked a few times, and a nurse who was writing on a board looked up.

"You're awake." she smiled.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"Uh... you fainted." she replied.

"What? How? Where's Dad?" I questioned.

"Umm..." her eyes drooped. Then it all came back. Like someone just shot a damn brick at my head at high speed.

"He's gone." I whisper.

"I'm sorry, dear." she said.

"Where will I go?" I ask.

"Do you have any family?" she replies.

"None that I know of." I shake my head.

"Hm... okay. I'll be right back." she nodded, and rushed out of the room. I watched as she closed the door quietly, and I sank down into my pillow, staring at the ceiling. My dad's gone. Now I'm all alone. I knew I would be the one saying goodbye to him, but I never thought it would be this soon. I'm 17, just one year until I'm a legal adult, but I can't live without him. He was my best friend.

"You've got Uncle Bobby Horan, who lives in Ireland." the nurse says, checking through the files on her clipboard.

"Uncle Bobby? I've never heard of him!" I said.

"It says here that he's from your mother's side." she pointed at the clipboard.

"Oh, that's why." I whisper.

"Anyways, we have already contacted him, and you'll be leaving tomorrow at 1:30." she informed me.

"Okay." I nodded.

"Oh, and someone's picking you up tomorrow right after you get released." she continued.

"Okay." I replied.

"Have some rest, I'll come back later." she smiled.

I lay down onto the hospital bed and closed my eyes. Rest is exactly what I need.

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