25 + 1 Facts about Me

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20 chapters into my book, I've decided to tell you some facts about me!


1. My name is actually not Alisha Madden. (It's actually my fake name!)

2. I'm actually only 14, but I fake my age as well. (oopps. good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught) *wink wink*

3. I broke my left shoulder from falling down a sofa whilst jumping at the age of 3. I had to wear a shoulder brace to support my shoulder in order for my bone to grow back easier. Thankfully, no surgery was needed.

4. I started to go to nursery school at the age of 2 1/2.

5. This means I had started school a bit earlier than kids my age. So I'm going to high school even though I'm only 13!!!

6. My birthday is on September 15. Sadly two days after Niall's.

7. My worst subject at school is history (or social studies).

8. Despite my straight A's in Math for all my life, I still use my fingers to calculate simple math like 8+7.

9. My favorite color have been purple.. for about 2 years now.

10. I used to have a double decker bed. I fell down while climbing up to the top. Don't worry, no bones were broken... again. x-)

11. I live in Taipei, Taiwan.

12. I have been to American schools for all my life.

13. I'm not allergic to anything.

14. Okay, truth is. I used to be allergic to fur. I'm not anymore, after I had my pet dog.

15. Places I wish to visit include: London, Antarctica, New Zealand, Thailand, France, Hawaii, Guam, and many more.

16. I have an older brother, but I swear I'm more mature than him. (He's three years older)

17. British YouTubers + Australian YouTubers + American YouTubers = OMG.

18. Aside from music and YouTube, I love reading books as well. And noooo, not fanfics and autobiographies about famous singers.

19. Although I love reading, I had never read one of John Green's books. The first book I ever read by John Green was An Abundance of Katherines. I read the first few pages, and absolutely hated it. So I never bothered to continue reading his other books. (PLEASE DON'T HATE ME. I'VE HEARD ENOUGH NAGGING FROM MY FRIENDS ALREADY)

20. I DID watch the movie, Fault in Our Stars, however.

21. Unfortunately, I didn't cry.

22. I cried in Frozen and Big Hero 6 though. And I had the major waterfalls in Charlie St. Cloud. So I had no idea why I didn't cry in the Fault in Our Stars. 

23. I have a major addiction with chocolate.

24. I'm a sucker for Disney movies.

25. Even though my username initially covers Harry, I have no favorites or soft spots for any particular member of One Direction. They all have their cute, best, and unique qualities, and that's what I love about them. They are all my favorites.

26. I have a major crush on Leondre Devries, from Bars and Melody. Charlie Lenehan is cute af as well. But Leondre is closer to my age. :") <3 <3 <3


(A/N) Aaaand. That's all I can think of!



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