Starbucks to.. Popstar? [Available]

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My name's Gabriella. Call me Gabby, BriBri, Briella, or whatever other nicknames you can think of. I'm just an ordinary 20 year old girl. Brown hair, brown eyes. Worker at Starbucks. So how the heck did I become a popstar?


Chapter 1: Starbucks to.. One Direction?

Gabriella's POV:

I picked up a clean rag, and started to clean the counter, since there weren't any customers. I listen to my best friend, also a worker at Starbucks, rant on about how working at Starbucks is just not my thing.

"I mean, seriously. You're beautiful, you could be a model for Forever 21. I bet you could even model for Victoria's Secret. But no, you'd rather work at Starbucks, ringing up cash and getting orders. Any girl in the world would die for the opportunity to model, but you're just letting that chance slip away." Brittney said.

"Shut up, Brit. I don't want to work as a model because it would mean that I have to go on diets. And I don't want to. Without food, I die. Plus, everyone's beautiful. Look in the mirror, you are just as pretty as I am, Brit. And you know I like working here because of the smell of coffee and chocolate." I sighed.

We hear the door open, and looked up. Five cute guys walked in. Wait, is that One Direction? I looked over at Brit, her mouth was agape and her face was paler than usual. Yep, it was. Brit was a huge Directioner. Alright, Gabriella, keep your cool. After all, it's just 5 human beings, right? As they approached the counter, I gave them a smile.

"What could I get for you?"

"5 Cappucinos and 5 chocolate chip cookies, please." Liam said, handing me the cash.

"That'll be 65 dollars." I said, ringing up the cash.

"Here, keep the cash." he said, handing over 100 dollars.

"Thanks." I smiled at him, and turned around to prepare their drinks.

I looked over at Brit. She was still frozen in place, her mouth opening and closing like Nemo.

I nudged her, and whispered, "Get 5 choco chips, Brit."

She nodded, and I went to whip up the drinks. After about 2 minutes, I plonked the drinks down beside the cookies.

"Thanks." Niall nodded.

"No problem." I smiled.

I turned my attention towards Brit, and raised my eyebrow. She ought to ask them for an autograph. She shook her head. I sighed, and grabbed a cup and a lid. I smirked.

"Hey, um.... is it alright if you breathed into this?" I asked, handing Niall the cup.

"Um.........sure?" Niall said slowly. He took the cup and blew some slow breaths into it, and gave it back to me. I quickly secured the lid on and grabbed a Sharpie, writing: 'NIALL BREATHED INTO THIS."

"Oh, and can you guys all sign it, please?" I smiled. Niall nodded, and signed it, as well as all the other lads.

I grinned. "Thanks."

I turned to Brit and handed her the cup.

"Here you go." I smirked. Her face started to turn pink, and I burst out laughing.

"OH MY GOD. THANKS FOR THAT, GUYS. She wouldn't get a signature, so I thought I would do it MY WAY." I giggled.

"Shut up, BiBi" she muttered.

"Now, can you guys get a picture with her?" I smiled.

"Yeah, alright." Louis said, chuckling.

I grabbed my poloroid camara from my bag, and ordered all the guys to stand around Brit.


"CHEEESEEE" they yelled back.

I snapped a few pictures, and the pictures came out.

Once the pictures came fully into view, I handed it over the Brit.

"Here ya go, not that hard, is it?" I smiled.

"What are your twitter usernames? We can follow you." Harry chuckled, taking out his phone.

"@GabbyRowlands, and @BritLong"

They nodded, and typed our usernames in, clicking the 'follow' button.

Our cellphones buzzed, notifying us that we had a new follower.

I turned towards the guys, and grinned.

"Thanks. It was nice meeting you."

"Right back at ya. We have to run along now. Bye!" Zayn waved.

"Have a nice day!" I yelled, then waved back.

I watched the boys walk out of the store, then turned back to Brit.

"So... how bout Nando's for lunch?" I grinned.


Chapter 2: Starbucks to... Nando's?

Britney's POV:

Me and Briella headed over to Nando's for lunch. I glared at her for what happened earlier at Starbucks. She glanced at me, and wrinkled her nose.

"What?" she asked.

"You know what. That was embarassing!" I frowned.

"You were too chicken to ask them for an autograph. So I was just helping out my best friend, what's wrong with that?" she smirked.

"What's wrong is that you just embarassed me infront of my idols." I crossed my arms.

"You mean, the loves of your life. And sorry, I'll treat you at Nando's?" she pouted.

"Deal." I grinned.

"Bitch." she muttered under her breath.

"You know you love me." I said.

"Unfortunately." she shot back.

We chuckled and pushed open the glass door of Nando's.

"The usual?" she turned to me.

"Yeah." I replied, heading over to the only available booth left.

I sat down, and took out my phone, scrolling through Twitter. A few moments later, Briella sat down and placed a tray piled with food on the table.

"Are you crazy?!" I looked at her.

"I'm hungry." she shrugged, and began to dig in.

I sighed as I put away my phone. She's just like the girl version of Niall. No kidding.


(A/N) There you go! I hope you can continue it and finish it! I would love to read what you come up with. Loves!



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