Love Again [Available]

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My dear Liam,

So when you read this, I'll probably not be with you anymore. But that's okay, because I will always be in your heart. Our love will live on forever, burning in your heart. Please don't be sad forever. Please don't be alone. I want you to be happy with your friends, do things you have always wanted to do. And maybe while you're at it, find a new love. Find someone that you will be happy with, someone that understands you. All I want for you is to be happy. But in case you need some help along the way, I have left a little something in this envelope. It's a necklace, with my ring on it. When you wear this, please remember that I want you to be happy. Don't be scared to love once more. And always remember, I will be by your side. You will never be alone.

Forever and always,

Marie xx 


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