Chapter 1 - Drew's Sister

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*Drew's POV*

I was picking up my little sister from the airport, our mother had called me last week to see if she can stay with me for a little while.

I moved out about 5 years ago to work on my music with Wesley and Keaton. Bailey and I use to be so close but once I left, we didn't talk. Mom had told me that she's been cutting herself and hasn't stopped. So my mom thought it would be a good idea for her to live with me for a while, until she gets her life back on track.

     As I arrived at the airport, I saw bailey looking around. She looked so pale and sad. She was wearing really baggy clothes, that clearly didn't fit her at all.

"Bailey over here" I shouted. She looked over at me and ran to give me a hug. I picked her up and spun her around, she was so light it was un real.

"Bailey why are you doing this to yourself" I say putting her down.

"It's nothing drew, I just dont like myself." she said pulling her sleeves down to cover her arms.

"You can't keep doing this Bay, it's bad for you, not telling mom or dad what's going on isn't right" I said picking her bags up.

"Drew it's harder than you think. You can't just stop, you don't know what I've been through" she said huffing, walking away from me.

I got into the car and bailey jumped into the front sit. She clearly wasn't happy. I could tell something was bugging her and she wanted to talk about but she couldn't.

"Bailey what's wrong"

"It's hard drew, When you were home I felt safe but once you left I've felt broken, then school started and people started calling me a stupid whore, bitch, and fatass. I broke down and saw the blade and started cutting myself. Then people started telling me to kill myself, and the only reason I didn't get bullied before was because you were here.
       I felt useless. Then I got a boyfriend who I thought cared about me, but was just actually using me. I don't think I could ever love someone ever again. So don't tell me to stop when I've been through hell.." she cried.

Hearing all that made me feel like such an awful brother. To know, I was the reason why all this happened crushed my heart. My lil' sister is all broken inside and she hates me now.

We arrived at the house and bailey hopped out and ran inside the house.

*Bailey's POV*

I just told drew everything that happened and I feel like shit for getting mad at him but he doesn't understand what I've been through.
We arrived at the house and before he could say anything I grabbed my stuff and ran inside. When I walked in I saw wesley sitting on the couch playing videos games with keaton. I walked past them and locked myself in the bathroom.Memories came back of people telling me to kill myself and the only thing to take the pain away was to cut. I opened the cupboard and found a blade, I pressed it right onto my skin and made about 3 new cuts. I was interrupted when someone starting knocking on the door.

"Bailey its Wes, can I come in"

"I'm a little busy right now." I said

I put the blade back on my wrist and before I could cut myself again. Wesley opened the door and hit the blade out of my hands.

"Leave me alone." I said.

"No, tell me why I just saw you with a razor on your wrist". he said.

"Just leave me alone" I say getting back up but wesley thought one stepped ahead and locked the door.

"Bailey, you're not leaving this room until you tell me what's going on."

" Why do you care Wes? no one cares." I say.

"I care bailey" he said.

I sat back down on the bed and told me about what had happen and before you know it I couldn't keep the tears in. I just cried. Wesley didnt say anything he just sat down beside me.

*Wesley's POV*

Bailey told me everything that happened. I couldn't say anything. I didn't know what to say, I felt awful and seeing her cry was much worst. I sat down beside her. I grabbed her and gave her a hug and she just cried into my chest. She was a wreck and she had no one. The guy that broke her heart is such a d.ick.

"Bailey you have us, were your family and no one will hurt you again" I said looking into her big blue eyes.

" Wesley it's hard. I don't want to leave anymore, I hate myself. I hate everything about me" she said looking into my eyes and crying.

" I know its hard, but you just have to forget"

" I can't just forget wesley, it's harder than you think. You've never been like this before. Cutting yourself all the time and hating youself and people hating you".

" Just please promise me one thing when you're here" I say.

"What's that?" she said laying on the bed.

"Please stop cutting" I said laying right beside her.

"I'm not promising you anything" she says crying even more.

I grabbed her and pulled her into my chest, I've never seen a girl cry so much, she was a told mess.
I can't believe people actually did this to her. I layed with her for a while until she fell asleep.

*Baileys POV*

I laid down on the bed and wesley laid right beside me. He pulled me into his chest and I cried. I told him everything.
About 10 minutes later I feel myself get tired.
I haven't been sleeping for months and for some reason Wesley made me sleep quite easy. I felt wesley leaving, and I could feel memories come back. He put the covers back on me, but I knew if he left I would have nightmares.

"Wesley please don't leave, I know this is weird but you make me sleep really easy and I don't want nightmares" I  blurted out.

He didn't say anything, he just climbed into the bed and put me up to his chest. I just hugged him and slept on his chest. I felt safe and no one could touch me. After what happen with Jason, him abusing me I didn't know what to do. but Wesley just made me feel safe.


I'm re-editing this book because I made a lot of errors, and I might change it up a bit but I hope you'll still continue to read this book, thank you all so much

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