thank you everyone.

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I'm sorry if you were expecting a oneshot here.
I just wanted to tell you all that this will be the last part in this book. My determination to keep writing has just disappeared, along with my love for dan & phil. i've watched their videos for over 2 years now and the whole experience has just been amazing. i just grew out of their content and personalities. Also, I'm going to be bold when saying this..the phandom can be so pushy and scary. Not to mention they're everywhere. I mean, wherever a shitstorm can be erupted, it happens.

Don't get me wrong, I'm aware of the very kind and welcoming side of the community (I like to think I was there), but I just grew out of it and feel like I'm moving on from them. I used to watch their every move on Twitter, but now i'il just like or revine a  vine edit of them every now and again. It's become sort of a mutual thing where they're not my absolute favorites anymore.

Moving on to this book in specific. As of writing this, this book has 9k reads. That's crazy! Thank you all so much for supporting these short stories and tolerating my slow as fuck updates and crappy writing. I have improved a lot since I started these (as i mentioned in the first part) and are not completely proud of all of these one shots. All of the votes and comments people leave me are so heartwarming and were the reason I wanted to keep on writing. But writers block became a huge issue for me. Along with personal stuff, and just finding other fandoms..

Anywho, thank you again for sticking here with me. I will still use this account for reading/voting on other stories and to maybe write another.

Does anyone here like Jacksepticeye or Markiplier?

Hmu if you do :D

All of my social media is in my bio, so if you'd like, find me on those! Thank you all so much again for being here and making me feel less alone in the day.

Goodbye for now!<3

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