Chapter 51

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I sighed as I did my warm up, it was going to be yet another PPV without the flash of blonde.

I mean I guess I should have been getting used to it but it sucked.

The moment of silence we held for Dusty killed me.

I still couldn't believe he was gone when I had just spoken to him last week and Cody had brought the Bourbon for me as promised.

He raised his eyebrow as he handed it to me , there was a small envelope along with it but I wasn't planning on telling anyone the reason I got it as that would remain between Dusty and I .

Maybe Zoe as well .

As for what was in the envelope?

I wasn't planning on opening it yet as I first wanted to see him in person which would have been today but then well yeah.. so it was currently in my house in Vegas.

"Are you sure?"

He nodded.

"He said you had a deal, he'll see you next week but he just wanted you to have it now"

"I don't deserve it anymore" I sighed as even though I had figured it all out it was pointless without her..

"Well he thinks you do?"

That's because he believes I can still fix it.

"Maybe you should just keep it and he can give it to me next week. I don't think he understands that.."

I held it out for him to take as I would see Dusty at Money in the Bank and let him know just how badly I fucked up then .

"Look bro, you know my dad loves you. Hell I love ya even though we barely talk these days. I got your back and if my dad wants to give this to you now then its for a reason, you know everything he does is with some sort of lesson"

"I just don't know what lesson its meant to be" I shrugged.

"Well you figured out what you needed to. I'd say you are one step closer man" He smiled and hugged me.

Cody had called me with the news as I guess that was the only way, he couldn't wait to tell me in person as it would be on the news within the hour.

I heard him crying into the phone and I spoke briefly as I wasn't one to be supportive it just wasn't in me.

I had heard Brandi in the background so I knew she was there for him.

I couldn't even cry as I was in too much shock.

I got into Joe's car and drove right to the club, well I didn't know that's where I was going as I just needed to drive but I landed up there and realized all I needed was Zoe right then and even though she was still mad, she was there when I needed her.

The next day when I woke up alone in my bed felt too familiar and I was afraid I had dreamt holding her all night.

However the smell of her scent on me told me otherwise and the familiar feeling of her soft lips that I hadn't had for almost two months could still be felt on my lips .

She left though, I guess to let me know that just because she was there for me it hadn't changed a thing.

I had fucked things up so I would try my best to just stay away because me going there would just result in another fight.

"Dean Ambrose to the Gorilla!!!" I sighed as I heard my phone going off .

I would just leave it but maybe Galina couldn't reach Joe as he was all over the place.

Finding My Lunatic // Dean Ambrose [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now