20 - Christian

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Kendall was scared out of her mind. She couldn't find it in herself to breathe when two vampires grabbed her arms and started pulling her.

She would have screamed and would have tried to resist or fight them but she couldn't move anything. Her legs kept carrying her toward the old man unwillingly. She glanced beside her to look at Cara. She seemed as helpless and as angry as herself.

"Privitokami samondo." Christian whispered.

It all went blank.


Cara opened her eyes slowly. She still felt a tremendous amount of pain cut through her bones right after she gained a bit of her consciousness back.

"Ugh." She groaned deeply as she tried her best to observe the new environment she was trapped in.

"Sorry about that." Christian's voice captured all of Cara's attention. She forced herself to sit up with her arms holding her weight on the harsh floor.

Cara chuckled bitterly at Christian.

"Oh really, are you?" She asked with a mocking tone and a sick smile on her face. "After almost killing all of my friends and giving me many hard times, you just realised you re sorry for this?" Cara nodded her head toward the stone walls.

"That's anything but logical." She continued as she sat up straight, trying to stand strong in front of her enemy. Christian ran a hand through his beard.

"Where are my friends?" Cara asked.

"Your friends and the bright sider you were about to die for, you mean?" Christian wondered with a smile on his lips. Which genuinely surprised Cara.

"Where are they? What did you do to them?" Cara asked. She was still surprised why she was alive. Christian could have killed her long ago. Yet, he chose to be all nice all of a sudden.

"They're all okay. I mean you no harm." Christian put his hands behind his back and started walking in the small space he had. They were in a small room with stone walls and a securely locked metal door.

"And you expect me to believe that? After all that you've done? You nearly killed me twice for stealing a stupid book! " Cara snapped as she tried to stand but her legs failed her.

"It was all to protect you!" Christian snapped. "They were necessary steps."

"Really?" Cara finally managed to stand up. "From what, exactly?" She asked with a bitter chuckle.

"The undead. And whoever its idiotic possessor is." Christian replied wholeheartedly.

"Why?" Cara's eyes now held a serious gaze towards the old witch. "Why'd you do that?"

"BecauseI promised your father I would." Christian replied.

"Don't you dare tell about my fath.." Cara was about to argue but the older man cut her off.

"He was my best friend!"

Silence fell between them. Cara looked at Christian with a questioning and almost blown away gaze. Could this be true? Why does everything keep getting more and more confusing?

"He was." Christian repeated in a slower pace. "My best friend." Christian walked closer to Cara. He stared intently into her eyes.

"I promied him. I had to. I wanted to." He began.

"Oh really?" Cara asked in a mocking tone.

"I did." Christian walked closder to Cara. "If I weren't there to use the spell to weaken Toni, if I weren't there to block the spell on you and Brandon's cars' breaks, if I weren't there to stop the undead when it first saw you, if I weren't there to stop the undead's tiger demon earlier.." Christian trailed off. "I don't even want to imagine what they would've done."

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