17 - Kendall Jenner

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"What do you mean by nonexistent?"

Cara suddenly sat up straight as she held Kendall's hand tight in her own. She squeezed the brunette's hand to calm her flowing nervousness a bit.

"There is no one by the name of Kendall Jenner." Selena began but started scanning the picture she'd taken again.

"Right here. It is clearly stated that no birth certificate was extracted by this name. Kendall Jenner is a fake name, nonexistant." She walked over to kendall as she showed her the page.

"This can't be real I have my birth certificate." Kendall started to argue but her voice cracking didn't help her much.

"Shhh it's alright.." Cara cooed and wrapped an arm around Kendall's shoulders gently.

"I'm not sure about the story behind it. I didn't have time to read every detail yet and I need Karlie's help but this, I am very sure of. There's no registry for Kendall Jenner." Selena explained.

"Actually." Selena scratched her hair as she re-read the pages.  Selena sighed. "This is way more complicated than I.."

The doorbell stopped Selena from continuing her sentence. "I'll get it." Brandon walked downstairs to the main door.

"Brandon in a suit.. Now that's what I call a surprise." Karlie greeted jokingly as Taylor giggled. Selena had given them a call on the way back as she had figured she needed some help.

"We have a serious issue now Karls. Let's go in." Both Taylor and Karlie's face dropped at how serious Brandon sounded.

"I'm glad you girls made it in time." He smiled weakly as he glanced behind for a second.

"This should be important." Taylor mumbled to Karlie as they followed Brandon inside. Karlie nodded in agreement as they went up the stairs. Brandon seemed quite upset.

"Good news. Karlie and Tay are here." Brandon announced the moment he entered the living room where others were.

"Can you guys tell me what's going on?" Taylor asked. She was quite surprised by the sight of Kendall.

"It's a long story." Selena began.

"She's a Royal Bright." Brandon dropped the big news carelessly.

"WHAT?" Karlie suddenly snapped. "Do you guys know how deep of a shit we're in right now?" She pointed at Kendall.

"Kar." Taylor held her arm to calm her down.

Cara seemed quite surprised by Karlie's outburst. Kendall felt her eyes get teary again. She held on to Cara's hand as her newly awakened heart started beating faster.

"What? It's right!" She glanced at Taylor for a second.

"Babe, calm down." Taylor stated and rubbed her hand over the blonde's arm.

"Karlie it's not that simple." Selena tried to soothe the girl as well.

"Do you know what they'd do if they found out?" Karlie asked everyone but mostly Cara.

"They'd dry your veins and burn you, Cara! I don't want that." Karlie snapped before Cara could answer. "You can't risk everything we've lived for."

"Karlie." Cara began. "Judge it after you read everything out."

"If the Bright siders find out they have a Royal here, they's crucify all of us! And they're entitled to it!" She replied.

"SHUT UP! Karls." Brandon suddenly snapped twice as harshly.

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