1 - Silence

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It is indeed a very intense and powerful state. It tends to both conceal one's deafening internal screams and howl the deepest intentions of a heart deeply in love or a spirit craving its freedom.

Often one hears silence thoroughly in the most vociferous conditions: Sometimes when they're too tormented by the adversity existence beings about to notice their surroundings or when they're too startled to identify anything for a sole moment.

Very rarely though, does a person really take long enough to drown in silence while they absorb and admire something.

For the the brunette sitting beside the window, however, the proceeding line couldn't be more inaccurate. She was cautiously beholding the very oddly shaped cloud she had just realized floating through the abnormally blue sky of Autumn.

Unfortunately, if you get too drowned in unconscious admiration of a phenomenon, there'll always be a disturbing matter to bring you back.

"Miss Jenner? Could you do the equation please?" Alexander Peterson, the educator of the classroom asked in disturbance. She immediately was pulled out of her comfortable thoughts and compelled to solve a math equation.

"What is the correct response for limit of x?" He illustrated, possibly assuming She hadn't already perceived the question.

"The correct answer is.." Kendall trailed off as she quickly glanced at the board to obtain a limited amount of general information. That was all she needed to calculate the value of 'x'.

"It's 9." She announced.

"That's correct." Mr. Peterson smiled with a surprised expression before he continued. "About the other limit here.."

"Wow. That was fast." Her best friend, a blonde haired girl called Gigi complimented.

"Thanks." Kendall replied before grabbing her pen to write down some notes.

"What were you thinking about?" Gigi asked as she wiggled her eyebrows playfully.

"Nothing." The brunette shrugged.

"You've been staring out that window for the past 5 minutes." Gigi argued. She clearly demanded more information.

"I was looking at this cloud. It's so beau.." Kendall whispered


Gigi whisper yelled excitedly. Excitement was possibly the only feeling Gigi would never be without.

The brunette playfully huffed and bent down to provide her friend an acceptible view to the cloud.

"Wow." Gigi smiled. "It's very pretty."

"Miss Hadid! You can either leave my class or remain silent for the rest of it!" Mr. Petereson warned.

"I apologize sir." The blonde readjusted her sitting on the chair while a blush made its way to her cheek. "Better NOT be repeated." He muttered and continued explaining the matter.

"Psst. Psssst."

Gigi looked at the source of the voice to see a paper being passed to her from one of her fellow classmates, called Ed.

She cautiously dragged the piece of paper closer to her seat with her foot.

"What are you doing?" The brunette asked. Gigi just motioned her to remain quiet as she pretended to drop a pen and indeed, received the paper while she bent down.

She slowly unwrapped the envelope while her friend's curious eyes never left her hands. "Yes!!" She squealed as quietly as she could as she gave Ed a thanking smile.

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