21 - One Step Closer

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"You must follow me this instant!" Christian's voice pierced through their bones as he nervously provoked them to obey.

"Right now!" Christian demanded with authority in his voice, almost reminding the 'captives' of their position at the moment. After seeing no other choice to consider, they all stood up and let the eldest one guide them.

Christian hurried through the narrow hallways as his guards occupied some weapons. "Everyone! Get your guns!" He ordered as he walked by the corridors. Though they already were quite prepared, one would think.

Christian's vampire slaves were filling their guns with bullets and magical substances to slow down the vampire attackers while others prepared hiding spots in case they were to be needed. Noticing these, was not a challenge since getting ready to fight was all the 'soldiers' did.

"Where are we going?" Brandon asked while he held on to Selena's hand, almost subconsciously.

Christian had not uttered a single word after getting them to follow him, and that worried the young vampire dearly.

"You'll see in a bit." Christian stopped once he reached a heavy wooden door. He whispered a spell and it opened immediately, leaving everyone but Selena in awe. She was already aware of the man's power in the magic field.

"Come through!" Christian guided the group of vampires and the witch inside to his office which he only used for absolute emergencies. The office door disappeared once they entered.

"Will someone justify all this?" Karlie asked in a grumpy manner, definitely not pleased with what had been happening for the past few weeks. She was not sure if this was a trap or not. After the Nick incident, she didn't find it in herself to confide in anyone just yet.

"The undead is approaching! Even I can't do much against him! He's getting stronger every second by basically existing!" Christian warned as his blue eyes became wider. He then, started searching for the magic portion he had made long ago for this specific moment.

"I can't believe this." Kendall whispered weakly into Cara's ears. Cara stood still as Kendall held on to her for dear life. This was very new to her after all. Yet Cara was amazed by how well she had adjusted herself to being who she really is. It's a quite challenging process, she had heard but for the strong brunette, ir certainly wasn't as problematic.

Christian cursed under his breath as his shaky hands scanned through all the drawers in his cupboards, knocking down books and potions in the process.

"Where is it.. Where is it.." He sat down on the ground to check the small space under the shelves.

They heard loud shrieks and gunshots coming from outside, which worried them greatly. Kendall leaned further into Cara's neck, seeking her solace in the blonde girl. Karlie basically was pacing around the room with Brandon, with complex thoughts.

"They're here!" Christian acknowledged. "Oh dear lord.." He speeded up his searching. The walls began to shake , causing a scream from the group.

"Oh God!" Taylor was terrified.

"This is our end." Brandon whispered almost inaudibly but everyone was able to hear him. And they did think he was right. This was going to be their end, the undead would walk in any moment and take their immortality and replace it with death.

As the walls began to shake even more, Cara turned to Kendall, trying her very best to look the terrified girl in the eyes. Kendall was devastated. Her tears were threatening to fall any moment and the blurry vision didn't do much help.

Cara cupped Kendal's cheek in her hands softly as the ground's shaking voice blocked everything out. A single brick fell down from the ceiling over one of the bookshelves, indicating the space would be destroyed in no time.

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