Chapter 27

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Kris' POV

I tried to remember again how I died. It was a blur. The last thing I remember is me looking up at the stars. I was somewhere isolated, and I was holding something. I just don't know what it is.

Oh, God. Maybe I did commit suicide. No, I know myself. I wouldn't do something crazy like that.

My head started to ache, so I gave up. But it felt wrong to just forget the last moments of my life. I felt like I need to remember something.

"I-I need to go get some fresh air." I said to Kylie as I hastily stood up and went outside without looking back.

Kylie's POV

I looked confusedly at the door where Kris just went out. What just happened? What got into him?

I lied in bed, staring at the ceiling.

How come he doesn't remember? What if he was murdered? Or was caught in an accident? Or maybe he got sick? And maybe he can't cross over because he wished for something before he died and it wasn't fulfilled? Well, that's a cliché thing to happen, so that's possible.

Hmmm...I know that Kris said he doesn't want to cross over yet, but I can't just do nothing while he's suffering because of the past. I know he feels something, maybe grudge against Crystal and Mark, that prevents him from crossing over. I can't let him hold that grudge anymore.

If he could just let go of that grudge, maybe he can finally cross over. Kris doesn't deserve to be a ghost wandering around here. He...deserves to be in peace.

My eyes landed on the small metal box I found a couple days ago. I suddenly felt a pull towards it. It was like the scene in the movie "The Lord of the Rings" where the ring seemed to be calling out to Frodo.

The box was silently sitting under my dresser. I sat up and frowned at the box. I stood up and started to walk towards it. I opened it and immediately saw the locket. I took shiny little thing and caressed it.

"This thing," I thought. "Is very mysterious. It makes me feel weird. I don't even remember how I got this. Maybe my mom got me this."

I closed the box and put the locket inside my pocket. I walked towards my parents' room. I didn't bother knocking and just opened the door.

I gasped, horrified at the sight before me. At the center of the room were my parents making out. I instantly covered my eyes. No, my innocent eyes! I knew I should've knocked.

I heard my father gasp dramatically. And I bet my mother's face was beet red at the moment.

"Oh, my God! I cannot unsee it! I'm scarred for life!" I wailed.

My father immediately went to my side. "Oh, no. Maybe we should go to the doctor. And, and make you undergo some kind of brain surgery."

He said that with genuine concern. He didn't seem to be joking.

My mother hit his head. "What on earth are you trying to do, Jared?!"

"What?" My father frowned at my mother. "Can't you see? I'm trying to help our daughter."

"Well, what if something goes wrong with the surgery and she'll forget all of us?!"

Seriously? They're considering the surgery?

"This wouldn't have happened if you didn't seduce me." My father muttered.

"I seduced you?! You seduced me!" Mother pointed at my father.

"What?! I didn't-"

"That's enough!" I stood in between them.

They stayed quiet and kept glaring at each other. I sighed exasperatedly.

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