Bonus Chapter

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A/N: Thank you all so much for 26k reads! That's incredible. Honestly I didn't think that this book would get very far, it was just a Solangelo plot that popped into my head one day that I had decided to put into play. Enjoy this bonus chapter. This takes place back when Will and Nico were living together, but weren't engaged.


My stomach churns as I glance over at the clock again. Will would be back from work soon and after that... It would be meeting his mom.

Will is the love of my life and I don't want to lose him. Despite the part of me that is curious and wants to meet Ms Solace, the other half is worried once she meets me, she'll forbid my boyfriend from seeing me.

I'm not the most likable person there is and that could be the reason that tears me away from my ray of sunshine. Just the thought of being separated from him makes my eyes water. As the front door started to unlock, I panicked even more.

I wasn't ready for this.

As my heart rate picked up, I ran off to the bathroom to hide my current panic attack.

It felt like the world was against me. Like I would be better off dead. Imaginary demons clawed at my chest as I tried to breathe. I pulled at my black hair violently to assure myself that I was still alive. On the outside, I looked calm as I sat on the bathroom floor, staring at the bland walls. But I was a complete mess on the inside.

I heard my perky boyfriend chirp, "Honey, I'm home."

Tears ran down my cheeks as I desperately got up. Opening the bathroom window, I started to escape.

"Nico? Baby, where are you? Come on, we have to go get ready."

Shaking my head frantically, I started to shimmy out the window as silently as I could.

Will's footsteps got closer, making me panic even more. The doorknob slowly turned, but luckily I had locked it.

"There you are. Nico, open up. We have to get ready."

I desperately made my way out of the window and landed on the rocks outside. With that, I wasted no time sprinting out of there.

I didn't know where to run. Everywhere felt like a dead end. It felt like there was no oxygen left for me. People were everywhere, giving me blank stares as if to say, 'This kid's crazy.' I closed my eyes as I shadow traveled to the one place I knew I would get some air.


I leaned against the tree and closed my eyes. I was sitting on the ground in the forest that wasn't too far away from home. If Will wanted to, he could find me. My finger slides against the bark as I remember all the memories I've had here. Every little kiss and make out session with my love. Every promise and every night we spent gazing at the stars and mapping out constellations.

A pair of warm arms pulled me out of my thoughts as they wrapped around me. I didn't even need to look to see who it was.

Resting my back against his chest, I whispered, "I'm sorry."

Will was out of breath but he managed to whisper back, "Don't be. By the gods, I'm just glad you're safe."

I buried my face in his neck as he held me close. "I'm sorry about running off. I'm just scared.. What if your mom doesn't like me?" Tears slipped down my cheeks as I went into another panic attack. My loving boyfriend held me close and whispered sweet nothings into my ear until I was calm again.

"She'll love you almost as much as I do."


"I'll do more than promise. I'll swear on the River Styx."


My legs bounced anxiously the more we drove. I thought I could do this, but I can't. She'll hate me and pull me away from the love of my life.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by warm fingers linking with mine. "I don't want to lose you," I whispered. "And you won't. I'm right here, baby. Forever and always."

I smiled a little and nodded as I noticed that we were pulling up to a house. It looked nice, with a bit of color splashed onto it. It was located on a small hill, away from all the traffic and cars.

I reluctantly followed Will who didn't hesitate to knock on the door excitedly. A woman who looked similar to the man standing next to me opened it, a cheerful smile on her face. "Will!" She beamed as she embraced her son in a warm hug.

My heart sunk a little as I remembered my own mother and her warm hugs. I miss her.

"Is this Nico? The guy you've been going on and on about?" His face turned a bright red as he grumbled, "Mom!"

I chuckled a bit. "It's nice to meet you, Ms Solace," I replied, shaking her hand. She studied me for a moment and I started feeling lightheaded, but kept my ground. After what seemed like forever to me, she said, "I like him. Come in, come in! I made sandwiches."

As I walk in, I take notice that it's a really tidy house. I sit down on the couch and notice a picture on the coffee table. I slowly pick it up and realize it was Will as a kid. He still has the same curly hair and huge grin. Except he was missing a tooth in the picture. I chuckled and nudged him.

"You were adorable."

Will's face went red. Before he could argue, his mother came back with the sandwiches. She was beaming. "Wasn't he? He was my adorable little sunshine." She pinched her son's cheek, causing my boyfriend to only blush a bit more.

"Yes, and he still is," I murmured tauntingly and sat down on the couch. Will took a seat right next to me as his mother sat across from us in a rocking chair.

"It's so nice to finally meet you, Ms Solace."

"Oh, please. Call me Naomi. And it's nice to meet you too, Nico. Will hasn't stopped talking about you since he came back that one year from camp."

I glanced over at my boyfriend and noticed how red his face was. "Adorable," I mumbled playfully and kissed his cheeks.

"Shut it, di Angelo."

"Funny, that's what I usually tell you. You're stealing my phrases. What's next?"

"Your last name, hopefully."

There was suddenly a loud squeal coming from Will's mother. "I ship it!" She said excitedly.

"You've been spending too much time on the Internet, mother." She waved off her son's comment while I raised a curious eyebrow.

"What's the Internet?" I asked.

Will pretended to be seriously shocked as he joked, "Oh my gods, you old bat."

"But I'm your old bat."

He chuckled quietly. "That's true."


We waved goodbye to Will's mom as we headed back into the car. "Bye, Ms Solace!" I called as jumped into the passenger's seat. "I don't know why I was so worried," I said as I laced my fingers with Will's.

He chuckled. "I told you. She probably loves you more than me now. Ready to go home?"

"With you? Always."

Please Don't Take My Sunshine Away [Solangelo]Where stories live. Discover now